Longridge, Ribchester Dutton Circular

Walk Leader: Jacqueline

Number on walk: 13

Distance: 11.7miles

Weather: Rain


Longridge, Ribchester, Dutton circular walk – 11.7.miles

 LEFT down side of St Lawrence’s church. End of lane turn LEFT (private lane).
At corner go straight across into field and follow hedge on LEFT. Cross stile and
follow hedge on LEFT to corner then head diagonally between telegraph poles to
cross stile on edge of trees.(FPS)
 Head along edge of trees (FPS) to cross stile and turn RIGHT down through trees
and over footbridge. Up steps and over stile, head diagonally RIGHT (FPS) across
field toward trees and down dip across footbridge and straight up to stile on lane.
(Very muddy).
 Straight across lane down to cross stile on LEFT. Follow footpath signs along
RIGHT hand side. Turn RIGHT (stile) (FPS). Follow LEFT fence, through gate
and follow LEFT hand side of field over stile. Turn RIGHT down lane. Keep
straight on at Ox Hey barn then RIGHT (FPS)
 Carry straight onto track (FPS), through gate and across field middle keeping
slightly LEFT heading towards the river and through gate onto lane. Turn LEFT,
down lane and through gate. Through another gate on LEFT (FPS), over stile and
up hill to skyline and trees. Keep on path on RIGHT hand side of field and down
hill to cross stile.
 Keep to path on RIGHT hand side, along river, through gate and turn LEFT up
track and lane. Through farm across lane past houses and down lane to Ribchester.
Head along river and onto footpath at school (detour at school for coffee and
 Follow path past bath house and turn RIGHT at Ribchester arms and LEFT at
Stydd Lane. Turn RIGHT just over bridge (FPS), over stile, over another stile, and
up RIGHT hand side of field through stile on RIGHT hand side. Down path over
footbridge. Keep on path between fences and over another stile. Along footpath on
LEFT hand edge of field and over stile. Follow footpath across and along edge of
trees and stream to cross stile in corner.
 Take RIGHT fork and through gate (Lower Dutton Farm). Turn LEFT up lane and
at gate turn LEFT over stile (FPS) Cross bottom field and down over stile (FPS).
Along footpath, over stile and through woods and RIGHT over footbridge. Up hill
and over another footbridge and up hill (ignore RIGHT hand path to stile) then
head back down to stream via steps.
 Cross stream (no bridge) and follow footpath upwards to cross stile. Follow path
along edge of wood and over stile. Head diagonally across field to cross stile onto
road. Cross to pavement and head LEFT. Turn RIGHT up lane, after Healthrack.
At bend turn LEFT through gate up RIGHT hand side of field edge, over stile at
caravan, through gate and straight across to wooden gate in trees.
 Down footpath to track, LEFT down track and across bridge then RIGHT through
kissing gate. Up RIGHT hand side of field following wood, over stile (FPS) and
straight on to farm and along lane turn RIGHT over stile (FPS). Along front of
cottages to end of lane turn RIGHT (FPS).
 Keep RIGHT between buildings. At gate turn LEFT over stile (FPS). Follow
footpath along wall and fence to cross a stile. Straight across road and down lane,
through two gates and over stile. Bear LEFT down hill to stile in corner (ignore
one by stream). Along edge of trees over stile. Follow trees and stream over stile
towards house on hill. Through gate then another gate down lane to Clitheroe
 Turn RIGHT then LEFT to houses. Follow lane then turn RIGHT down steps
along path and over footbridge. Along path (ignore stile to RIGHT), keep on

footpath (ignore steps on LEFT) turn LEFT onto lane and down hill. Over
footbridge follow lane uphill and turn LEFT. At “Angels” turn RIGHT along road
for 200m then LEFT at bus stop and down lane.
 Through gate, through gate on RIGHT and head diagonal across field and over
stile (FPS). Across another stile over track and stile. Across LEFT hand side of
…hill??? Over stile turn RIGHT down lane. Turn LEFT (FPS) and up lane. Turn
RIGHT (Footpath22), through gate (FPS) through kissing gate straight across then
RIGHT across middle of field to cross stile. Head LEFT to stile and footbridge.
Up hill over stile towards bottom of farm. Along bottom of cowshed and jump
over fence. Turn RIGHT up filed and through squeeze gate onto lane. Turn LEFT
up lane towards Longridge.