Barley; Tuesday 1 December 15

Barley; Tuesday 1st. December 2015.

The Pictures:-

To see who was on the walk click on the following picture:-

To view all the pictures taken on the walk (not affected by raindrops on the camera lens) click  HERE then click 'slideshow'.

 The Walk:-

Walk Leaders - Glyn and Julie Watson.

 15 hardy souls set out just after 10am as some had got stuck in the M65 holdups. Frank Watson joined the group to try out the new knee (fitted in March). Following the route of the Pendle Way the group made steady progress up Pendle from Barley. On realising that we were to climb to the 'big end' Frank (helped by Julie) took an alternative route reporting that they would meet up with the main group for lunch. The climb was as tough as ever and the group took a breather just shy of the top. On reaching the plateau the winds increased and the rain started. Waterproofs were donned and a 45 degree posture was deployed to stop getting blown off our feet. Moving through the mist the group made their way down Ogden Clough where crossing the stream (now a torrent) Shirley took a tumble and had an unplanned swim. A bit of a worry and we were all glad to see her back on her feet and in a squidjy manner Shirley waddled with the group for a time before drying out. Lunch was where the group joined up with Julie and Frank and munched for a good 15 minutes in the shelter of Fell Wood. The wood itself was quite a sight with the mist hovering the the distance. Then following the Pendle Way the group made their way to Newchuch where the 'eye' on the Church tower was viewed. Down to Spen Brook we made our way on a good track (spotting a small deer) to Roughlee where we climbed Offa Hill and Frank spent some time chatting to the new Caravan site owner (having had a pitch there in the past). Meeting up with the Pendle Way again we passed the (soon to be closed outward bounds centre) and then back along the track by Slacks Wood back to the cars. Finish time was 2.45pm and just in excess of 9 miles.

Thanks to Julie and Glyn for leading the walk and for the walk report.
