White Coppice Tuesday 1.9 15

White Coppice - Tuesday 1 September 2015

Who was on the walk? Answer, click on this thumbnail :-  

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Walk Report:-

Walk leader - Sue Lomax

A group of 12 of us and 2 dogs set off from White Coppice cricket ground on a very pleasant sunny morning.  Having all looked at the forecast we were not sure our luck would hold with the weather but decided we would enjoy the sunshine while it was there.

Our route took us first along the Goit then cut up through the woods of Wheelton plantation to eventually bring us out on Well Lane above Brinscall.  We then followed a path across Withnell Moor  (excellent views in all directions) over “Stepping Stones”  and out onto the A 675 Belmont Road.  Safely across it was into Roddlesworth Woods then up fields past Higher Hill Farm (home of the “loft loo”) and into Tockholes.

Grey clouds were looming but luckily gave us a miss this time and we had a very pleasant lunch stop in the field at the end of Weasel Lane overlooking Earnsdale Reservoir and Darwen Tower.  

 After lunch it was across fields to Ryal Fold and then back into Tockholes plantation.  We followed the river Roddlesworth to Calf Hey Bridge and here our luck with the weather ran out.  It was on with the waterproofs and we set of in hail and rain to start the climb up past Pimms to the top of Great Hill.  Fortunately the shower was short and sharp and by the time we had got half way up Great Hill it had stopped.  Views from the top of Great Hill were superb in all directions.  Even the dark rain clouds which had just soaked us added to the atmosphere.

 Our descent of Great Hill took the path down by Drinkwaters and Coppice Stile House ( apparently this farmhouse used to double as a pub).  The heather was at its best and the sun was shining. 

 We were back at the cars at 2.30pm after a very enjoyable walk of approx 10 miles.

Footnote Thanks a lot Sue for leading the walk and writing this report.