A  WALK  IN  AIREDALE  Thursday   June 6th


12 people met at Gargrave on a beautiful, sunny morning to do this 18 miles walk which should have been held in March but was cancelled due to extreme weather conditions and snow drifts. This morning things couldn’t have been better and we started off in a south-westerly direction heading towards East Marton. Turning left at Trenet Lodge we made our way to Coniston Cold and our first stop of the day. How lovely just to sit down on dry grass, in glorious sunshine and no wind! 

Continuing on to Airton, we picked up a riverside stretch of the Pennine Way which brought us out at the hamlet of Hanlith where we had a steep, uphill section which led the way to Weets Top. Before arriving there, however, we stopped for lunch when the steepness eased off and we could get our breath back.


The afternoon saw us descend to the Winterburn reservoir which we followed for a short  while before a slight pull up to Way Gill farm where we dropped down, with a superb panorama all around, to the old hamlet of Winterburn itself. We next had ¾ mile along a quiet lane before walking through fields covered in buttercups and which looked amazing  and then through a delightfully sheltered woodland to arrive back at the car park at 4.08pm.


          Thanks Doreen