Hobbling around Hatfield - 2023

8 Vermuyden Members, 5 East Yorks, 3 Lincolnshire, 4 Irregulars and Bev a High Peak member made 21 walkers meeting at the Hatfield moor car park for a Flat Earth Society 17ml wander in the footsteps of Cornelius Vermuyden.

Leaving the Car Park onto the route of The Peaklands Way towards 10 acre ponds this pleasant path took us behind the prisons and took us to the hamlet of Hatfield Woodhouse. From here we crossed the M18 and took some of the muddies paths we would come across today. It is here behind the Doncaster North services they are creating a new village with Industry on one side of the new road and 6000 houses on the other, we followed the new road into Stainforth with views over one of the last remaining pit heads still visible. Hatfield Main was only closed in 2015.

Walking down the pit road we entered Beirut, the Princess Ave of Stainforth passing the Fifth Square all the way through to the First was an eye opener for most in the group.

On to the Canal we walked towards South Bramwith, a short road walk saw us enter Barnby Dun where lunch was had at the Gargoyle infected Church of St Peter and Paul.

The afternoon saw us Leave Barnby Dun along Hatfield Ln (we were on the Doncastrian Way route now and followed this to the Quarry Park crossing the A18 in Dunsville we took the Woodhouse Ln past the Breedon Quarries and Back over the M18.

Turning right just after the bridge we began the 3ml lane of Gatewood. Over the A614 we found our cars, and all enjoyed a route of a different kind.

Many thanks to Bill for leading