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Cornwall & Devon

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
Southern England
Kim Littlewood

Group Secretary:
Ian Glen

Hannah Steer

Strider Walk Details Input:
Ian Glen

Annette Merchant

Walk Co-ordinator, Cornwall:
Walk Co-ordinator, Cornwall

Walk Co-ordinator, East & North Devon:
Tim Ryan

Walk Co-ordinator, South & West Devon:
position open

Current Walk Programme:

Date Name Event Type Mileage
Sat 3rd Aug 2024 St Agnes StAgger Group Walk 18ml.
Sun 18th Aug 2024 Knots & Crosses (Brendon Hills) Group Walk 26ml.
Sat 24th Aug 2024 Tormato - August Bank Holiday Special (Day 1) Group Walk 18ml.
Sun 25th Aug 2024 Belstonian - August Bank Holiday Special (Day 2) Group Walk 22ml.
Mon 26th Aug 2024 West Devon Way Wander - August Bank Holiday Special (Day 3) Group Walk 15ml.
Sun 15th Sep 2024 Chagford Challenge - 15 Sept 2024 Challenge Event 30, 24, 17 or 8ml.
Sun 29th Sep 2024 Where Exmoor collides with the Sea Group Walk 22ml.
Sat 12th - Sun 13th Oct 2024 Potter Around The Otter 50 - 12/13 Oct 2024 Challenge Event 50ml.

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