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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
Northern England
Robert Nutton
01729 824866
Nicky Wood
015395 35120

Walks co-ordinator/webmaster:
Thomas Sellers

Current Walk Programme:

Date Name Event Type Mileage
Wed 17th Jul 2024 Wednesday Legs - Grasmere Group Walk
Wed 24th Jul 2024 Fair trade Way - Day 8 Group Walk 15ml.
Sat 10th Aug 2024 Mallerstang Valley Group Walk 15ml.
Sun 8th Sep 2024 Kentmere Horseshoe - Event Details Updated Group Walk 15ml.
Sat 21st - Sun 22nd Sep 2024 St Alkelda's Way Group Walk 38ml.
Sat 26th Oct 2024 England Coast Path - St. Bees to Ravenglass Group Walk 15ml.
Sat 2nd - Mon 4th Nov 2024 River Tyne Trail Group Walk 45ml.
Sun 17th Nov 2024 Hutton Roof Crags Group Walk 15ml.
Sun 1st Dec 2024 AGM & Walk Group Walk
Sun 22nd Dec 2024 Mince Pie Walk Group Walk 12ml.
Sun 26th Jan 2025 That's Lyth Challenge Event 23.5ml.

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