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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
Central England
Chair Person:
Janet Eames
24 Airdale Road, ST15 8DW
01785 817059

Group Secretary:
Helen Littlewood
4 Ruskin Drive Derrington Stafford ST18 9LD
01785 259880

Walk Secretary:
Laura Channon
07870 346492

Current Walk Programme:

Date Name Event Type Mileage
Tue 6th Aug 2024 Keith's Plaque Group Walk 7ml.
Mon 26th Aug 2024 One old man went to Mow Group Walk 13ml.
Sat 14th - Sun 15th Sep 2024 September Bridgenorth Weekend Group Walk
Thu 24th Oct 2024 Cop Mire Group Walk 7ml.
Sat 26th Oct 2024 Six Dales Marshalls Walk Group Walk 25ml.
Sat 9th Nov 2024 Six Dales Circuit Challenge Event 25ml.
Tue 19th Nov 2024 Battlestead Hill Group Walk 13.5ml.
Sun 24th Nov 2024 Ozzy's 'Obble - Event Details Updated Group Walk 15ml.
Sun 1st Dec 2024 Christmas Walk & Meal Group Walk 8ml.
Tue 10th Dec 2024 Horsing about on Shank’s Pony Group Walk 11ml.

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