Pick & Mix - Sunday 2nd June 2024

VENUE   Wendover Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Wendover, Bucks HP22 6HF



If anyone would like an event badge, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Dave Yorston at 3, Lodge Lane, Prestwood. HP16 0SS

Bucket Hats: Fund raising for the Air Ambulance - the sale of hand made 'bucket' hats  Here are the contact details for Karen who made the hats: 
Karen Scott email - karen.bobscott@gmail.com    Mobile  number 07801 057568

Event Information 


Route Detail Notes

RED ROUTE  10 miles  Route Description  GPX

GREEN ROUTE  8 miles  Route Description   GPX

BLUE  ROUTE  8 miles  Route Description   GPX     

YELLOW ROUTE 6 miles  Route Description  GPX                 

ORANGE ROUTE  4.5 miles  Route Description  GPX

INTEREST WALK  2 miles  Route Description

On the day HQ contact 07810 430911

Contact Info: E-mail: Mike Hyland  at  bbn-pandm@ldwa.org.uk  Phone: 01494 774154 (before 9pm)
If you email Mike at the above address and don't receive an answer after a couple of days, please phone and leave a message.

INSURANCE: Personal Accident Insurance:  Please note that non-LDWA members are not covered by the LDWA PA insurance. But for £15.00 annually (DD) you could join the LDWA, would be covered by the LDWA insurance and could make good use of all the other benefits that the LDWA has to offer.

See the Event Archives page Pick & Mix

The BBN Triple Challenge
The Pick & Mix is part of a BBN Triple Challenge whixh showcases t
hree of our popular events - the
Hannington Hike, Pick & Mix and Chiltern Kanter.
A badge and certificate are available upon completion of these three events in any order. This Triple Challenge commenced with the 2020 Hannington Hike and includes the 2021 Anytime Challenges.
Your BBN Triple badge and certificate will be given to you when you return to HQ at the end of your qualifying event. If you think you have qualified but do not receive a badge and certificate please speak to one of the booking-in team, or contact Alan Leadbetter acleadbetter64@gmail.com after the event.