2024-06-18 Tuesday News

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Beds, Bucks and Northants LDWA


Hello Everyone

New Members
A very warm welcome to new Associate member Ben Meadows - we look forward to meeting you on one of our group walks or challenge events.

Therese has been in touch:
“Following Sara's plea to encourage walkers to lead walks for BBN I would be happy to buddy with anyone considering doing this but feeling uncertain about doing this for the first time.
If anyone is interested, I will be doing the recce for my 7th July 
Bedford Ouse Valley Way on the previous Saturday (30/06 - same starting place and time). We could then jointly lead the group walk and I could help you plan your first walk as a leader if needed. Please contact me by email if you wish to join me.
I like to lead 2 or 3 walks a year as a way of giving something back to the group as I enjoy the luxury of being able to join a walk planned by someone else and just follow the leader. I also like to share some of the areas and paths I have explored on my own in the hope they would discover a new area.  It does require some thought and planning but nothing too demanding. 

Mikron Theatre – A heads up from Merrian
Mikron are coming to the Cruising Club (Great Linford, near the brick kilns) in Milton Keynes and are also doing shows at other venues in our area until the 2nd July.
Read all about them and check their performance dates here Mikron

Our next group walk
Thursday 27th June - 
The Washlands - To Hackleton & Back 
Join Steve Clark for a 14½ mile jaunt in the rolling Northamptonshire countryside.

Full details of Steve’s walk and all future walks can be found on the BBN website Our Walks

Future Programme
Sunday 7th July - 
Bedford Ouse Valley Way   
18ml. Ldr: Therese Jamin
Saturday 13th July - Outer Aylesbury Ring Day 4
15.5ml from Quainton Church Ldr: Trevor Jones
Saturday 3rd August - Greensand Ridge & Kingfisher Way 
20ml. from Sandy Ldr: Francoise Bannister
Thursday 8th August - The Knightley Way and Grafton Way  
A linear walk with minibus - booking required)
25ml. Ldr: Dave Findel-Hawkins
Saturday 17th August - Outer Aylesbury Ring Day 5 
15.6ml from Ashenden Ldr: Trevor Jones
Thursday 22nd August - Marston Vale Timberland Trail        
14ml from The Forest Centre, Marston Moretaine Ldr: Sara Waldron
Friday 30th August – Monday 2nd September Ilfracombe Trip
Ldr: Roy Carter. Details of each day’s walks with maps are now on the website,
Saturday 7th September Outer Aylesbury Ring Day 6  
20ml. from Wendover Ldr: Trevor Jones
Sunday 17th November - Shillington Shuffle Challenge Event
Sunday 24th November – 
Morning Walk, Lunch & AGM (Lavendon, Bucks)

LDWA - Confirmation of Address for August 2024 Strider
A reminder to make sure your membership details are up-to-date on the LDWA database Membership

My friend has just split up with her boyfriend because he’s obsessed with football
He’s gutted. They’d been together for three seasons.
Why did the chicken get sent off during the football match?

It committed a fowl!
What lights up a football pitch at night?
A football match.
When is a football pitch like a triangle?
When somebody takes a corner!
Are lightning bolts good at football?
No, they're shocking!
Why was the footballer upset on his birthday?
He got a red card!
What did the manager do when the pitch became flooded?
He sent on his subs!

(And, with fingers crossed!)
What blows at 100mph and always scores?

A Harrykane!

Gill Bunker

Join the BBN WhatsApp group by texting your name to 07790 976090 – this WhatsApp group is for all things relevant to BBN and our love of walking.
Join the BBN FB group here www.facebook.com/groups/LDWABBN/