Sundon Saunter - 16th November 2025

The Sundon Saunter was last held on 20th November 2022  See Event Archive

The next Sundon Saunter will be held on16th November 2025

INSURANCE: Personal Accident Insurance:  Please note that non-LDWA members are not covered by the LDWA PA insurance.
but for £15.00 annually (DD) you could join the LDWA and would be covered by the LDWA insurance and make good use of all the other benefits that the LDWA has to offer.

The Sundon Saunter is a triennial challenge event  - taking place every third year -  with BBN's other S-S-S events, the Shillington Shuffle and the Steppingley Step in between.
27, 17 and 12 mile routes from Barton-le-Clay.  

Event Finishing Times : Finishing Times

Steve Clark's photos

Long Route:       Route Description   GPX file
Medium Route:  Route Description   GPX file

Short Route:      Route Description   GPX file   
Short Route (Wet Weather): Route Description  GPX file

NOTE FOR WALKERS ON THE SHORT ROUTEThe old section of Sundon Quarry can get very slippy in wet weather, and is used on the return from the checkpoint on the short route.  We advise walkers to use the 'Wet Route' if there has been rain the previous week.  This route is 500 mts longer, but avoids this part of the quarry - which is fine if dry. 
Event Information


The S-S-S Triple Challenge
Our S-S-S events are the Shillington Shuffle, Steppingley Step and Sundon Saunter - these are triennial challenge events  -  each taking place every third year. The S-S-S Triple Challenge started with Shillington Shuffle in 2011.
A certificate and badge will be awarded to everyone who completes the S-S-S Triple Challenge - any distance and in any order.
Your S-S-S Triple badge and certificate will be given to you when you return to HQ at the end of your qualifying event. If you think you have qualified but do not receive a badge and certificate please speak to one of the booking-in team, or email after the event