Speyside Hundred - BBN Checkpoint 4

Another 100, another great effort by the BBN CP team to run, given some challenging circumstances, the best CP possible.

Not all the usual Southern groups, understandably, felt able to offer a CP so far away from home but BBN bravely rose to the challenge. Some flew in, others let the train take the strain and some drove the 500 plus miles. Visits to friends en route, a further sightseeing trip as far north as they could drive without going into the sea, a few days bird watching in the Cairngorms, walking The Speyside Way were some welcome additions ever resourceful folk made to their long trip. Dave and Paul even managed to enjoy the local Aviemore Parkrun before their duties commenced.

As always Mary ran the show quite brilliantly. Whilst general concern increased as the promised generator, gazebo and food supplies were 2 hours late, and doubts as to our ability to get everything erected and the many, many sandwiches made before opening time grew, Mary was calmness personified. She politely but forcefully let HQ know our ever increasing worries, just as she had ensured our volume of supplies were doubled to those originally planned. She was right, especially as the CP before ours ran out of food. Our CP 4 was 26 miles into the route and followed the hardest, most ascent section of the entire event. Our 400 plus customers were hungry.

Everything eventually arrived and a fervent, but organised ‘all hands on deck’ got us to the start line ready and raring to go.  Everyone had their dedicated roles explained and suddenly we were ‘rocking and rolling’.

Of course unexpected problems arose. Dave worked his magic on our dodgy generator on more than one occasion but, despite heroic attempts by Terry and Alan we ran out of water for a short time. It was essentially an hour long round trip to our advised nearest water supply. All water containers were refilled as quickly as they could be but it proved impossible, at our busiest time, to keep ‘the taps turned on’.

The temperature dropped as evening fell and the dreaded midges arrived. The smell of Insect repellent filled the air.

The last walker was through and the final body bus pick up complete 2 hours before our scheduled closing time. Hooray! Sadly not for Mary, Dennis and Terry who stayed a further 2 hours until equipment was collected and remaining supplies taken for use at later CPs. .

It must be noted that Merrian, Dave, Terry and Alan went on to run the vital last CP 14 giving up their entire Sunday night's much needed sleep.

It was challenging but we also had fun.

Please don’t ‘retire’ Mary. Your CP needs you again next year in Suffolk please
Dee Brockway