Dogs on BBN Walks

This is the LDWA’s Dogs on Walks policy:
It is recognised that, for some dog owners, it is important they can bring their dogs along on walks. Local groups have different approaches in this area; there is no standard national policy. Local groups and walk leaders can decide on the most appropriate approach for their group/walk based on local circumstances and times of year. Ultimately the decision to allow dogs on walks rests with the walk leader or walk organiser, though if no dogs are allowed this must be made clear prior to the walk. Assistance dogs are normally allowed on LDWA walks. The walk leader can insist on dogs being on leads, and in particular dogs must be kept on leads anywhere where there is a possibility of livestock. Owners must provide verbal confirmation to the walk leader that their dog is covered by pet owners’ liability insurance before the walk.

Dogs on BBN Challenge Events 
Dogs are allowed on some of our events, BUT NO DOGS are allowed inside any of the halls (except assistance dogs). ALL must be on leads at all times and MUST have appropriate liability insurance. 
No dogs are allowed on the Hannington Hike as the event is held during lambing season in a sheep farming area.

Dogs on BBN Group Walks
Ultimately the decision to allow dogs on walks rests with the walk leader or walk organiser, though if no dogs are allowed this must be made clear prior to the walk.

Please check with the walk leader before bringing a dog on a group walk.

Incidentally the advice on dogs from the Ramblers includes the following:
If cattle are running towards you, or you feel in any way in danger, then let your dog off the lead. Your dog will be able to get to safety and removing the dog from the situation will calm the cattle.