Welcome to the Beds Bucks & Northants group of the Long Distance Walkers Association

The Beds, Bucks & Northants (BBN) group is one of about 40 groups around the country affiliated to the Long Distance Walkers Association. We are a friendly bunch who enjoy the social side of the club as well as the walking.  You will be made very welcome on any BBN walks.

As our name suggests, we offer a range of walks in our three  counties. Our group walks and challenge events will take you through a wide variety of scenery and countryside such as the clay and sandstone of Bedfordshire, the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the rolling hills of Northamptonshire.  We offer three challenge events each year and a full programme of group walks to which all are welcome.

We have group walks at the weekend which average 20 miles in length.  These take about eight hours to complete and walkers need to carry enough food and drink to last the day.  The group also offers Thursday walks which are shorter in length, about 15 miles.  We have also the occasional weekend away either in the UK or abroad.  Details of all our walks and events can be found under Our Walks

All LDWA members and non-LDWA members will be guaranteed a warm welcome and a good day’s walking in the fresh air.  The one thing we want you to feel at the end of each our walks is that you’ve had an excellent day out in the country with like minded souls and that you will be looking forward to the next one. We want new members to come back!

To see what we've been up to recently, please take a look at our Photos and our Facebook page.

If you can't find what you're looking for, or have any comments, please contact our group secretary bbn@ldwa.org.uk 

We look forward to meeting you.