Best Bits from Barton - Sun 8th October 2017

Leader: Dee Brockway
17.5 happy walkers (Lucy only joined us at lunchtime!) and 2 dogs, Charlie  and Gromit, (that’s a total of 43 legs!) enjoyed glorious weather on this 19.7  (according to the GPS police) walk.
The clear, bright day allowed us all to marvel at the wonderful views from Barton, Pegsdon, Deacon and Warden Hills.  Morning tea on the seats at Hexton Lavender tea rooms, lunch in or around The Lilley Arms
and entertainment from the resident ducks on Streatley pond all added to a jolly good day had by all.
Some of the route was in Steppingley Step  and Shillington Shuffle country, but in the most, different paths to those used  on the challenge walk, were discovered.
Dee's photos:
"> photos