Two Crosses Challenge Event

The Two Crosses Challenge Event. Sunday March 17th 2024.


Click on the links below to see the Two Crosses Results for 2024.






Below are some pictures from the event.



Each year we host a 18 and 26 mile challenge event. Both routes visit the Roman Cross at Affetside and the Pilgrim's cross on Holcombe Moor.



The event venue is Greenmount Old School Community Centre BL8 4DS.



Please note the following points for 2024 –

  • Parking – will be across various locations.  Please follow the marshals directions.  Do not park at the Old School.  Please car share where possible.

  • Remember to bring a mug and all relevant equipment as listed on the entry form/SI entries.

  • Dogs are very welcome, but must be kept on a lead and under close supervision due to livestock and ground nesting birds.  They should also have their own public liability insurance. 

  • The cut off time for the long route is 10.15.  You must reach the cut off at 7.5 miles by 10.15 to continue on the long route.

  • There will be closing times for Checkpoint 4 onwards.  You must reach the checkpoints by the time in the route description or you may be retired.

  • There are a number of route changes for 2024.  Please familiarise yourselves with these in the route description.  Maps/photos will be available to view at the start.


If you have any questions please email


Choice of routes; whilst you are asked on SI to choose a route, you can change your mind at any point up to reaching the cut off point on the day.  You do not need to let us know beforehand.


Whilst we don't offer refunds or deferral of entries, we are now allowing transfers of entries.  This must be done by entrants using SI entries.  So if your plans change and you cannot attend, you can now pass your entry to a friend.  This must be done before 10th March 2024.



Click on the links below for the GPX files of the route.






The two links below are straight to the OS site for the GPX files. They will only work if you have an OS account.



Click on the link below for the written route description.




Any last minute amendments will be announced on the day.


Maps of the route and checkpoints are below.


The first three are 1:25000, the last one 1:50000.





The staffing rota for the 2024 Two Crosses is below.




The pictures below are from previous Two Crosses Events.