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Westmorland Heritage Walk


325 km / 202 miles
This is an old walk not previously recorded by the LDWA. It is a very challenging 200-mile walk from Arnside anti-clockwise around the old county only venturing slightly outside the boundary into neighbouring Lancashire, Yorkshire and 'old' Cumberland, to its end at Grange-over-Sands. Parts of the route - the Howgills, the Pennines and Lakeland fells - attract low cloud and inclement weather at certain times of the year and an alternative to the high tops justifies a low level variation on such occasions. Walkers will need to carry Ordnance Survey maps to aid navigation and plan for escapes routes in emergencies or to find accommodation. The old publication is listed below.


Path Type: Other Paths
Attributes: Very Challenging
Start: SD460788 - Arnside Station, Arnside, Cumbria View on StreetMap
Finish: SD408779 - Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria View on StreetMap

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

Guidebook Westmorland Heritage Walk  (Cicerone Press  - 1988 )


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Show Connected Path Outlines
E Routes
National Trails (England & Wales)
Paths Marked on OS mapping
Other Paths
Anytime Challenges

Show Accommodation
Hostel Accommodation
Bunk House
Group Accommodation

Show Points of Interest
Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98
OS Landranger Active 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98
OS Explorer 2, 5, 6, 7, 19, 31
OS Explorer Active 2, 5, 6, 7, 19, 31

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Hostel Accommodation
4 km
8 km
Bunk House
< 1 km
52 km
Walkers are Welcome
< 1 km
105 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
105 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
125 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
137 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
205 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
217 km
Bunk House
2 km
225 km
Bunk House
4 km
228 km
Hostel Accommodation
4 km
241 km
Hostel Accommodation
5 km
241 km
Hostel Accommodation
1 km
244 km
Hostel Accommodation
2 km
247 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
251 km
Hostel Accommodation
1 km
254 km
Bunk House
4 km
282 km
Hostel Accommodation
< 1 km
293 km
Bunk House
1 km
313 km
Group Accommodation
< 1 km
319 km
Group Accommodation
3 km
324 km

Click to show 23 more Accommodations

Connected Paths:

Other Paths
Alternative Coast to Coast Ambleside Ale Trail Castles of Eden Cistercian Way (Cumbria) Coast to Coast (Wainwright) Comedy Way Cumbria Coastal Way Dales Walk Eastern Hadrianic Way Eden Valley Loops - Loop 1 Eden Way Fairtrade Way Friends Way 1: George Fox's Journey Friends Way 2: Margaret Fell's Journey Furness Way Grasmere Ale Trail Great Lakes Connection Hadrian's High Way Hadrian's High Way - Ambleside to The Cockpit Alternative Head to Head Helvellyn Ale Trail High Street Stroll Howgills and Limestone Trail Inn Way ... to the Lake District Kendal Limestone Way Kendal to Lancaster Canal Walk Lady Anne's Way Lake District Boundary Walk Lake to Lake Walk Lakeland Haute Route Lakeland to Lindisfarne Lakeland Tour Lakeland Way Lakes and Tarns - Eastern Lakeland Lancashire Monastic Way Cockerham Priory to Furness Abbey Lancashire Way - Northern Loop Lancashire-Lakeland Link Lancaster Canal Limestone Link (Cumbria) Miller's Way North of England Way North West Way Northern Crossway Palatine Plod Pennine Odyssey - Garrigill to Cross Fell via Fallow Hill Pennine Odyssey - Garrigill to Cross Fell via Pennine Way Pennine Odyssey - Garrigill to Cross Fell via Tees Head Pennine Odyssey - Langdon Beck to Dufton Pennine Odyssey - Main route Ravenber Way Red Rose Trail Rydal Ale Trail Settle To Carlisle - Hill Walk Settle to Carlisle Way Six Peaks Trail Stepping Over Stone Swale Way Thirlmere Way Tops of the North (Carlisle and Cheviot to Cat and Fiddle) Tops of the North (Three Shire Heads to Carlisle) Tour of the Lake District Tour of the Lake District - Prologue Two Centre Trek Ullswater Way Ullswater Way - Lowther Loop Ullswater Way - Pooley Bridge via Lakeshore Wainwright Memorial Walk Wainwright's Pennine Journey Wainwright's Remote Lakeland Wainwrights Way Walking Round the Lakes Westmorland Way Wild Yorkshire Way William Wordsworth Way Windermere - Walking Around the Lake Windermere Way Woodland, Sea and Wildlife Yoredale Way Click to show 75 more Other Paths


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

Route Profile:

322.9 km (200.6 miles)
11,158 m (36,608 ft) ascent
890 m (2,920 ft)  maximum height

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