Northern Line Down to the Bank 29/06/24


pictures Lizzie & Jackie 

The Northern Line Down to the Bank

From Barnet high, through park to wood,
And on, by Finchley, where Spike sits, and stood.
Perhaps a coffee, at Inky’s ground?
Before, arts and crafts appear, and abound.

An artist, a Bond villain, a poet, and a preacher,
In Hampstead’s lanes and passages do feature.
Then down to lunch, with much to choose,
Towpath at Camden! will try not to lose.

Regents Canal, Copenhagen Street,
and Shepherdess walk, could be hard on the feet!
Now down from the rim, among towers high,
In a field of dissenters, Defoe, Bunyan, and Blake, do lie.

From a squalor’s market to a double Banksy,
But all this maybe a flight of fancy.
So, as to being perfectly frank!
We may not have strictly followed the Northern Line down to the Bank