Julie's Jabber - This week with London LDWA

Julie's Jabber - This week with London LDWA

London LDWA

How lovely at last to be able to report a real social walk with lots of people taking part, so many that Lonica had to turn it, the first London LDWA outing since lockdown was eased again, into two walks, the other one being led by Melissa. According to Lonica, they couldn't have wished for better weather, with the sun tempting many people to get out and about. A fulll report, and lots of photos, is already up on the London LDWA website (thank you, Gavin).


lonica walk east london

Above and below: Lunch stop at the Copper Mill


lonica copper mill lunch




The Elephant, Bear & Bull Hundred


As part of the LDWA's new history group, and an opportunity for members from across the country to meet up post-lockdown, from Saturday 24th to Saturday 31st July we are offering a week of social walks, mostly following the route of the EBB100 (with a few detours to places of interest which we couldn't quite fit on the event route). Each day’s distance will be limited to around 13-15 miles, as we’ll be stopping regularly to appreciate the historic bits. The week will give a historical tour of the West Midlands, from the medieval castles of Warwick and Kenilworth to the Industrial Revolution in Birmingham and the Coventry Blitz, with literary connections including JRR Tolkien, George Eliot and of course the most famous Warwickshire native – William Shakespeare.


Please note that this is not a package holiday – participants will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation and food (although Julian may arrange a pub evening or two...). Each day’s walk will start and end at a station for ease of access; we recommend that, rather than moving on each day, you stay in Birmingham for the duration of the trip and take the train to the start of each walk. There is no obligation to sign up for the whole week: members living close enough are welcome to join individual day(s) as they wish.


I would appreciate it if anyone wishing to join us, whether for the whole week or individual day(s), could indicate provisional interest to give us an idea of likely numbers. Contact 2022hundred@ldwa.org.uk 


Michael Jones, Organiser, EBB100






Adam and Val are walking the Icknield Way in daily stages at the moment. Last weekend, just past Luton, they came across the attached sign on the path side. As Adam says, 'I couldn’t help wondering how many London Group members will be joining the celebrations?  I have to say I think I might give it a miss.' 


international mud day adam



And finally...

We are all Morty now


morty beer in soho

Soho! Morty is in you



London LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/London