This week with LDWA London Group 20240624

This week with LDWA London Group 20240624

London LDWA


1: New members

A warm welcome to the following new primary member Patrick Radford and associate members Carla Stevens and Kirstie Groves. 


Forthcoming Walks

Thursday 27th June 2024

Croydon Summer Greenery

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
7 miles
Start Time
Start East Croydon (main entrance).

It looks like Croydon council is cutting back on park maintenance. Can our leader get a group across the newly-formed wilds of Lloyd Park without mishap? Then on to Addington Hills, Combe Wood and Croham Hurst before zig-zagging around the route of the former Woodside & South Croydon Railway back to East Croydon (and perhaps a convenient nearby hostelry for those so interested?)

Gavin Fuller Tel: 07875384778
Web Site
Start and finish: TQ328657: what three words: boats.whites.oddly 

Saturday 29th June 2024

Midsummer challenge on The Downs

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
32.3 miles
Start Time
Hassocks (train departs 07.35 London Bridge, 07.49 East Croydon)

Along the valley through Ditchling and East Chiltington before a climb up to the South Downs at Blackcap. Undulating over the downs through Stanmer where we will have our lunch stop and past Devil's Dyke to Truleigh Hill (planned tea stop at YHA), before descending back into the valley. Then over Newtimber and Wolstonbury Hills back to Hassocks

General Notes
This year's iteration of our annual long downland walk has new route from Hassocks station. Please bring plenty of food and drink; the planned lunch and tea shops do have potential to buy extra. Expect neaely 3,000ft of ascent/descent on the walk
Gavin Fuller Tel: 07875384778
Web Site
Start: TQ304156: what three words: campus.showcase.visual 
Finish: TQ304156: what three words: campus.showcase.visual


Also on Saturday 29th June 2024

Northern Line down to the Bank

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England/ Essex and Herts
17.5 miles
Start Time
A more local & shorter alternative to The Downs Challenge. Organised by Essex & Herts Group. Meet High Barnet Underground Station. Finish at Bank Underground Station. No dogs please


From Barnet high, through park to wood,
& on, by Finchley, where Spike sits, & stood.
Perhaps a coffee, at Inky’s ground?
Before, arts & crafts appear, & abound.

An artist, a Bond villain, a poet, & a preacher,
In Hampstead’s lanes & passages do feature.
Then down to lunch, with much to choose,
Towpath at Camden! will try not to lose.

Regents Canal, Copenhagen Street,
& Shepherdess walk, could be hard on the feet!
Now down from the rim, among towers high,
In a field of dissenters, Defoe, Bunyan, & Blake, do lie.

From a squalor’s market to a double Banksy,
But all this maybe a flight of fancy.
So, as to being perfectly frank!
We may not have strictly followed the Northern Line down to the Bank.

General Notes
Check Essex and Herts website for any last minute changes.
Peter Tremain 07427 857003
Web Site
Start: TQ249962: what three words: venue.plays.jeeps
Finish: TQ327811: what three words: master.basin.luck

Last week's walks

1. Tuesday 18th June 2024. Art on the Wharf: a midweek daytime walk - pictures in newsletter of 19th June.

2. Thursday 20th June 2024. Midsummer Night's Dream summer solstice evening walk. Jerome led nine walkers 8.8 miles through Norbiton and Richmond Park.

Easter eggs in grass

Thursday's walkers

Photo: Sheena Michaels

Easter eggs in grass

Spot the deer

photo: Jerome Ripp


Easter eggs in grass

Sunset on Thursday's walk

photo: Mari Espinar


3. Saturday 22nd June 2024. Midsummer on the Thames. Gavin led up to 22 people on the walk. Six did the full walk of 40.5 miles taking in 26 bridges and 2 foot tunnels; a further 3 did the walk from Greenwich (34.5 miles) doing all the bridges and one foot tunnel.

Easter eggs in grass

The walkers on a new footbridge in Chelsea Harbour taking the Thames Path over an inlet.  
Photo: Gavin Fuller


Easter eggs in grass

Two sunsets in one week ! 

photo: Gavin Fuller


Easter eggs in grass

The walkers at the finish on Kingston Bridge
Photo: Mari Espinar



Palace of the week

Spotted on Saturday

Easter eggs in grass

photo: Gavin Fuller



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