This week with LDWA London Group 20240603

This week with LDWA London Group 20240603

London LDWA


1: New members

A warm welcome to the following new primary members: Marjorie Hurwitz Bremner and Ben Magnall. 

2: Donation

The London Group has donated £500 to Inner London Ramblers for some new posts for the London LOOP in Petts Wood with plaques acknowledging the LDWA funding.


Forthcoming Walks

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Evening walk from Battersea Power Station to Victoria

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
8 miles
Start Time
Start Battersea Power Station Underground Station (new Northern Line Branch). Meet at main exit (top of escalators, small landscaped area). Please try to arrive in good time as we hope to exit the Brompton Cemetery before the gates shut! The route is intended to highlight the interesting features of this historic area and we begin with a walk past the restored Battersea Power Station (with a detour to new WCs) and join the Thames side path to travel through Battersea Park (see Peace Pavilion) and to cross Albert Bridge (no marching) and along the waterside to Cremorne Wharf and former pleasure Gardens. Moving inland we pass into the areas formerly occupied by Lots Road Power Station to reach Brompton Cemetery where we hope to make a circuit. Turning homewards we aim for Blue Plaque Chelsea and then the Royal Hospital (Chelsea Pensioners), to finish at Victoria Station where there is an optional extension to go to the nearby Wetherspoon (Willow Walk)).
Gail and John Elrick
Web Site
Start: TQ291772: what three words: mount.always.impose
Finish: TQ289791: what three words: gear.deputy.orbit

Saturday 8th June 2024

Celebration walk to Winchester Cathedral

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
20 miles
Start Time
CHANGE OF LOCATION MADE 19/05/2024 CAUSED BY TRANSPORT PROBLEMS. Meet Micheldever Railway Station. Take the 08:09 from Waterloo arriving at 09:13. Alternative 08:12 from Clapham Junction to Basingstoke 08:48 and change to join the above train at 09:03. Buy a return to Winchester.

A mix and match moderately hilly route using Wayfarers Way, 3 Castles Way, Oxdrove Way, Watercress Way, Itchen Way, Alan King Way and St Swithuns Way. Average pace of 2.7 mph. Finish at Winchester, 2 trains per hour return.

General Notes
On 5th June 2004 I did my first social walk lead for the London group. This walk, which will be the 156th walk I have led for the group, will celebrate 20 years of leading. Picnic stops and woodland facilities during the day. Very helpful but not essential to send your name and membership number in advance in case there are last minute changes to arrangements. Text or WhatsApp walk leader
Jerome Ripp text 07470196890 or email
Web Site
Start: SU517428: what three words:  farms.enlarge.campus
Finish: SU477300: what three words: dives.labs.scary

Last week's walk

1. Saturday 1st June 2024 MKCT. Eight walkers joined Gavin on a 19 mile route from Bletchley via Milton Keynes and Rammamere Heath to Leighton Buzzard.  


Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers in Bow Brickhill Park - Milton Keynes county top.

Photo: Gavin Fuller


Easter eggs in grass

Walkers descend along the Greensand Ridge Walk above Rammamere Farm

Photo: Gavin Fuller


Easter eggs in grass

Walkers in Rushmere County Park

photo: Gavin Fuller



Roof of the week


Easter eggs in grass

Job's Farm near Woburn
Photo: Gavin Fuller



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