This week with LDWA London Group 20240610

This week with LDWA London Group 20240610

London LDWA


1: New members

A warm welcome to new primary member Timothy Flanagan; and associate members Huan Yang and Phillip Boyle.  


Forthcoming Walk


Saturday 15th June 2024

“ELEL 3” Linear from Amersham to St Albans

Event Type: Group Walk. 

Region: Southern England
Distance: 20 miles
Start Time: 9:02
Route: Start at Amersham; catch 8:27 from Marylebone.

Along the Chess valley, over some Chiltern hills, a brief hello to the Grand Union Canal at Kings Langley for lunch with opportunity to top up on supplies. Option to leave or join at this station. The Hertfordshire Way, cross a spaghetti junction of motorways and a fine finish around the Gorhambury Estate and exploration of Verulamium. Finish about 5 at St Albans City station with 8 trains per hour return. 

Notes Elizabeth Line Ends Loop (ELEL) will be a long distance path and this will be stage 3

General notes: Average pace of 2.7 miles per hour. Bring food & drink, picnic stops only, woodland facilities. Very helpful but not essential to send your name & membership number in advance in case there are last minute changes to arrangements. Text or WhatsApp walk leader.
Contact: Jerome Ripp rippjerome@gmail.com07470196890
Start: SU964983: what three words: squad.resist.ripe
Finish: TL155071: what three words: fetch.caring grab



Last week's walks

1. Wednesday 5th June 2024: 16 walkers joined John and Gail on a 7 mile walk from Battersea Power Station to Victoria taking in Brompton Cemetery and Cremorne Gardens.


Easter eggs in grass

The Wednesday evening walkers at Cremorne Gardens
Photo: John Elrick


Easter eggs in grass

Wednesday's walkers outside Carlyle's House

Photo: Gavin Fuller

Easter eggs in grass

View of Thames from pier at Cremorne Gardens, Chelsea, on Wednesday's walk

Photo: Gavin Fuller


2. Saturday 8th June 2024:  seven walkers joined Jerome on a 21.4 mile walk from Micheldever to Winchester. 

Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers in Micheldever

Photo: Rod Smith


Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers on the move in East Stratton
Photo: Jerome Ripp

Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers reassured that they are on the right track
Photo: Rod Smith




Property of the Week

Spotted on Saturday's walk

Easter eggs in grass

One of many houses with a thatched roof seen on Saturday: this one is in Martyr Worthy
Photo: Jerome Ripp



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