Byron & the Romans

Wed 15th May 2024

Walk Details:

Event Type
Group Walk
Southern England
Local Group
Essex & Herts
Start Time
9am /9.30am
20 mile linear walk from Duxford & Whittlesford Station, ending at Cambridge North Station. 9 am start. By car meet at the junction of St John's St & Moorfield Rd, Duxford, for short walk to Whittlesford station. There is free on-steet parking on both roads which are wide enough to accommodate parked cars. Please park considerately as residential area. CB22 4PP (1 Moorfield Road, Duxford) 9.30am (for a 9.35am depart) Meet those arriving by train at Whittlesford Parkway (see attached timetable). If parking here then please note it’s £7.50 off peak all day! 1pm Lunch stop in Grantchester. 4.30pm Finish expected finish after 4pm for regular trains back to Whittlesford (3 per hour)

Route is Duxford, Whittlesford, Sawston, Wandlesbury Roman road & Worts Causeway, Medical district Camb, Trumpington, Grantchester (with detour to the Byron Pool), lunch stop/tea stop at The Orchard Tea Garden, Grantchester Meadows, R Cam & Cambridge Backs to Trinity College & Jesus Green, ending at Camb North station

General Notes
Trains -N.B. All trains from London stop at Tot Hale, change at Tot Hale for train to Whittlesford. Depart Stratford 7.17am, Liverpool Street 7.28am, Bishop Stortford 8.16am, arrives Whittlesford 8.41am. Depart Stratford 7.47am, Liverpool Street 7.58am, Bishop Stortford 8.47am, arrives Whittlesford 9.12am. Departs Cambridge 8.49am, arrives Whittlesford 8.58am. Departs Cambridge 9.20am, arrives Whittlesford 9.29am. Cambridge North depart 16.39, arrives Whittlesford 16.55. Cambridge North depart 16.43, arrives Whittlesford 16.59. Cambridge North depart 17.13, arrives Whittlesford 17.29. Cambridge North depart 17.39, arrives Whittlesford 17.59. Return journey costs £3.95 with railcard

Entry Details:
