Welcome to the Essex & Herts group of the Long Distance Walkers Association



The Essex and Herts group of the Long Distance Walkers Association have a regular programme of weekend and mid-week social walks across Essex and Hertfordshire with occasional visits to our neighbouring counties and London. Walks are usually between 16 – 24 miles. Most are circular, but we do try to fit in some figure-of-eight and linear walks as well.

While we always endeavour to include a pub or café stop at lunchtime on our walks, we can’t guarantee this and would advise you to bring enough food and drink for the day. We warmly welcome non-LDWA members on our social walks - you can join us on up three walks before becoming a member of the LDWA.

New walks are added all the time - for a full, updated list of all our walks check the Future Walks list on this website, LDWA members can sign up to our regular email updates or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. If you have any queries, please get in touch with Jackie our Secretary at essexandherts@ldwa.org.uk 

We also organise a number of Challenge walks throughout the year - these are usually around 26 miles but often include a shorter option too. Entrants make their way round a given route with written instructions (GPX files usually available) with checkpoints providing food and drink along the way. We aim to organise a 50-mile challenge walk every other year.  Find out more about our next Challenge events here.