20240617 test

20240617 test

London LDWA


1: New members

A warm welcome to the following new associate members: Elizabeth Nissan and John Reardon. 


Forthcoming Walks

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Art on the Wharf. A midweek daytime walk

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
9 miles
Start Time
Meet Custom House Station (exit for Excel).

Through Docklands before an extensive exploration of the Canary Wharf development as we follow the art trial. Canary Wharf is home to London’s largest collection of outdoor public art. The collection of almost 100 pieces is a mix of stand-alone sculptures & integrated architectural works.
There are many stops & starts today so may not be suitable for all.
Alfresco lunch & a visit to The Ledger Building at the end before finishing at Canary Wharf station

General Notes

Restricted to 12 walkers so please book a place in advance. 

Ron Williamson ronwilliamsonuk@gmail.com or on the day 07842701566
Web Site
Start: TQ406809: what three words: young.alone.chef 
Finish: TQ374803: what three words: dated.agrees.sage 



Thursday 20th June 2024

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Summer Solstice evening walk

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
8 miles
Start Time
Meet at Norbiton railway stn. Take the 17:42 from Waterloo.

Richmond Park & surrounding areas. The leader is planning to return to Norbiton by about 9.45 for a 9.50 return train to Waterloo. Many drop out opportunities if earlier trains or pubs are more enticing options. 6 to 10 miles As you like it.

General Notes

If there is a Tempest the walk may be “Much ado about nothing”. There will not be the usual “Comedy of Errors” & whatever happens it will be All’s well that ends well. Very helpful but not essential to send your name & membership number in advance in case there are last minute changes to arrangements. Text or WhatsApp walk leader

Jerome Ripp (text 07470196890 or email rippjerome@gmail.com )
Web Site
Start and finish: TQ194695: what three words: remind.over.losses 


Saturday 22nd June 2024

Midsummer over Thames

Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
Distance, depends on how far we get
Start Time
King George V DLR Station (DLR departs Bank 06.32, Canning Town 06.46)

After the Midwinter over Thames walk it was suggested that we redo the walk in summer and see how far we can get around the summer solstice. And to lengthen it further, we're taking in the two foot tunnels under the Thames first before proceeding to the bridges. This time we shall go over both Golden Jubilee Bridges so as to provide some variety from the previous time, meaning we shall be crossing the bridges upstream from there in the reverse direction, and be on the other bank in between, up to Richmond Lock, before continuing until Kingston (estimated mileage to there 38) at least. We should be able to cross every footbridge over the Thames in London by then.

General Notes

Later starters have options to join at Greenwich (ETA by the Cutty Sark 08.30), or at Canary Wharf (ETA 09.00), or at any point along the route - please let the leader know if you plan to join en route so as to sort out a meeting point. Plenty of break points along the route. Once we reach Kiingston we go any furtner from there will depend on what time we arrive and whether anyone wants to go on, or whether by then anything more is considered a bridge too far.


Gavin Fuller Tel: 07875384778 gavin_fuller@hotmail.com
Web Site
Start: TQ432801: what three words: events.amused.bucks 

Last week's walk

1. Saturday 15th June 2024. “ELEL 3” 

Jerome led eleven walkers 21.5 miles on a route from Amersham to St. Albans on a day of sun and showers.


Easter eggs in grass

Where is this?

Photo: Jerome Ripp

Easter eggs in grass

Sunshine at last

photo: Gavin Fuller


Easter eggs in grass

Chinooks spotted on their way to Buckingham Palace

photo: Gavin Fuller



Easter eggs in grass

LDWA members fording every stream

photo: Jerome Ripp


Easter eggs in grass

Nearly there: St Albans Cathedral
Photo: Gavin Fuller




Drink of the week

Spotted in Kings Langley

Easter eggs in grass


photo: Gavin Fuller



London LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/London