20240528 test

20240528 test

London LDWA


1: New members

A warm welcome to the following new primary members Sarah Harnett and William Noon. 


2: Trip to Lake District

An unexpected cancellation has created a space on Ron Williamson's annual trip to the Lake District in July. This comprises a stay in a camping barn a couple of miles outside Keswick. The cost is £210 for the week which covers both accommodation and food. This year the week will run from Saturday July 20 to Saturday July 27. For more information or it you'd like to book a place please contact Ron at ronwilliamsonuk@gmail.com.


3. Speyside 100

Congratulations to the ten London Group members who completed this year's 100-mile challenge in Scotland. They are:  Amy Lomax, Marta Kunicka, Andrew Escott, Charlotte Smith, Katherine Horton, Ena Levison, Gavin Fuller, John Shortt, Adrian Young and John Gorman. Three London group members were in the first 20 finishers. And special thanks to the London Group members who served as marshals: Dave Williams, John and Gail Elrick, Chris Blackwell, Melissa Butcher and Susanne Waldshmidt.  


Forthcoming Walks

Saturday 1st June 2024


Event Type

Group Walk. 
Southern England
12 miles
Start Time
Bletchley station (train departs Euston 08.23)

Through the suburbs of Milton Keynes via several green spaces to the unitary authority's county top. Then to Woburn where we pick up the Greensand Ridge Walk to Ramamere Heath, then to Leighton Buzzard via Rushmere Country Park and the Grand Union Canal.

General Notes
If you want a 16-mile version of the walk you can join at Bow Brickhill at 10.51 (train departs Euston 09.56, change at Bletchley) - please let the leader know in advance if you wish to do this so he knows to time the walk to get there at that time. Please bring a picnic lunch. Be warned if the leader manages to complete the Speyside 100 the weekend before he might not be able to stop talking about it.
Gavin Fuller Tel: 07875384778 gavin_fuller@hotmail.com
Web Site
Start: SP868337: what three words: enable.career.shows 
Finish: SP911250: what three words: twitching.interrupt.cleans

Last week's walk

1. Tuesday 21st May 2024. Ecclesiastical Extravagance - second version. Ron led 13 walkers over a winding city centre route of 8.5 miles to sight 84 sites of churches past and present. The weather was not helpful.


Easter eggs in grass

Taken on top of  Horizon 22.

Photo: Ron Williamson


2. Saturday 25th May 2024:  the Dreaming Spires of Oxford: linear from Radley to Oxford. Five from the Wiltshire group and one from Heart of England joined nine from London on Jerome's adventurous 17.2 mile hike in the wooded hilly area west of Oxford plus Thames path; and at the end four walkers also completed a 2.5 mile tour of the city of Oxford. 

Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers at Radley College

photo: Jerome Ripp


Easter eggs in grass

Deer seen on Saturday's walk

photo: Jerome Ripp


Easter eggs in grass

Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford. 
Photo: Jerome Ripp


Easter eggs in grass

Saturday's walkers in Wytham Park 

photo: Gosia de Santos


Easter eggs in grass

Christchurch College Oxford
Photo: Gosia de Santos



Boat of the week

Spotted in Oxford on Saturday

Easter eggs in grass

One of many boats competing in the Summer Eights on the Thames: mind the bump.

photo: Jeff Golland



London LDWA - http://www.ldwa.org.uk/London