Previous Walks

Previous Walks

Listed below are a selection of walks undertaken by the Group in the last few years. These are shown partly for interest for those who took part in the walk and also as they may be a source of inspiration for future Social Walks. If you would like to see this route walked again, or a variation of…

Louth Canal, Hills and Common group walk

  Louth Canal, Hills and Common Group Walk , Sunday September 23rd 2012 Starting from Covenham reservoir Tony Bark led this walk for 9 members , Weather was fresh and we made good time in an attempt to keep warm. We enjoyed some lovely cakes brought by Jackie and Tony during the morning and…

Christmas 2013 Group Walk

    18 intrepid walkers turned up at Wragby market place to participate in the group's Christmas bash . We were off at 8:30 prompt at a cracking pace going cross country to Langton .From here we switched to walking on quiet country roads and had quite a bit of road walking to do . Unfortunately ,…

Dave Milne Way Group Walk

15 of us gathered at Ludford village hall to do the Dave Milne Way with Tony leading . We had some rain for the first leg over to Tealby but the weather then faired up and things got better as the day progressed. We had our morning stop in Willingham Woods then pressed on to Otby then Walesby where…

A.G.M. walk 9th March 2014

  It's not usual to have great turn-outs for AGM walks , people are often wary of being coerced into taking on some role on "the committee"  and , therefore , tend to give that one a miss . However , I'm pleased to report that we had 19 people turn up which is a very encouraging and some new faces…

Jack's 19 miler Sunday 27th April 2014

    17 walkers and 2 dogs assembled at Sandy Lane near Woodhall Spa to do Jack's 19 miler . The first part was on the old railway track which forms part of the Viking Way route , then over to Martin , Thornton ,Langton and towards Edlington . We had our morning stop near Edlington then continued…

John's round Lincoln caper

  Keep Lincoln Cathedral in sight On a day when rain was threatened , 12 of us gathered for a circular walk around Lincoln to be led by John. Riseholme was the first port of call followed by Burton then South Carlton after which we followed the Catchwater Drain  and then the Fossdyke which…

Harvest Hobble Marshall's Walk

  A dozen of us started off from Ludford village hall to check the route for our upcoming challenge walk . With cloudy skies but damp underfoot we made good time to Tealby then , with deer looking on , over  to Walesby ,past the Rambler's Church and to our first stop at Otby House .We pressed on…

Binbrook Bash

    12 walkers joined Esther for her Binbrook Bash on Sunday 19th October and with fine weather enjoyed  good views and some stunning Autumn colours  . Thanks to Lorna for taking the photographs

Christmas walk and tipple

   Christmas walk and Tipple Terry led this walk which started from Goulceby where 17 of us plus 2 dogs assembled in the 3 Horse Shoes pub car park . With a nice crispy feel to the weather and a back wind we set off cross country out of Goulceby over to Moses Farm then a bit of road walking up…

Spilsby Saunter

  Spilsby Saunter Sunday 15th February 2015     On a day which started quite misty and murky but fine , there was a good turn out of 20 members , several from outside our area ,  to do Dave Oxley's circular walk  from Spilsby . We went through Little Steeping , Great Steeping and finished up at…

AGM walk 8th March 2015

  A.G.M. walk from Tetford Sunday 8th March One doesn't expect large numbers of walkers to turn up to an AGM walk so it's pleasing to be able to report that we managed 13 walkers and a dog . To make up the numbers , though , we did have to lure Alex and Jaffa his dog away from a Ramblers walk…

Group 25th Anniversary celebrations

  A celebration of 25 years of long distance walking in Lincolnshire   On a cool but fine morning 14 of us met at Covenham reservoir for a 20 mile walk under the guidance of our Chairman , Dave Oxley . We made good time to the morning stop at Fotherby Common then proceeded to Yarborough ,…

Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival 2015

  Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival The Lincs LDWA group was able to participate in the launch event of the 2015 festival at Welton-le-Wold quarry on Saturday 16th May . Lorna Gregory and Nicolle Dieumegard manned a stall with the aim of  promoting the group and spreading the word within the…

Not the Wanderlust Way

     The less said about this walk the better ;  we started off well (but with the unlucky number of 13 walkers) but finished in two groups , a group of 10 and a group of 3 , having split up and done completely seperate routes over the last 4 or 5 miles back to the finish . However , everyone…

Calceby Canter

  Members of the group enjoyed a very pleasant walk from Calceby Thanks to  Jack Goldie for leading the walk and  to Lorna for taking the photos

To Brinkhill for cakes

A Tennyson country Wander     11 of us set off from Brinkhill ; it was a bright and fresh morning , ideal for walking with great views throughout the day . We headed for Somersby , Tennyson's birthplace, then on to Bag Enderby , then the route took us over Tennyson's "Babbling Brook" on to…

Tattershall Trot 11th October

    The Tattershall Trot on Sunday October 11th  12 members of the group assembled at the village hall in Tattershall for Dave Oxley's walk and we were pleased to welcome 3 visitors joining us for the day , swelling our numbers to 15 . In fine weather we headed off for Tattershall Thorpe where we…

Dave Milne Way group walk 2015

    These are photos taken on Sunday 18th October when 8 members of the Lincs led by Esther did the Dave Milne Way walk starting from Ludford . Thanks to Esther for leading the walk and to Lorna who , once again , took the photos

2015 Christmas walk

        18 of us met in Hainton at the Heanage Arms pub car park for the group Christmas walk led by Terry .  With rather dismal skies we  made our way on minor roads and bridleways to Little London and through Dog Kennel Wood to finish up at the Willingham Woods car park for a mid morning stop .…

Julia's January Jaunt

   Julia's January Jaunt Sunday 10th January Our January walk is usually done in wintery conditions , often with a good covering of snow ; but this year the weather was kind to us , a fine day with some sun later on although the going was a little soft at times due to the recent rains . There was…

The Horncastle Round

    On a fine but breezy day 23 of us and 2 dogs gathered for Tony's walk around Horncastle , following the Viking Way along the canal out of town then on to the disused railway track and past some interesting metalwork sculptures .Leaving the Viking Way we made tracks over to Dalderby then…

2016 AGM walk

  AGM walks aren't noted for being that popular but on this occasion we had a good turn-out when 18 members joined Chris for the morning walk and a further 3 joined us at lunch time making 21 walkers for the afternoon walk .Starting off from Fulletby the early mist obscured what would have been a…

A Roam in the Wolds 210816

A bright sunny morning saw a group of sixteen walkers, including three visitors,leave Tetford village hall for a circular walk around the Lincolnshire Wolds and villages The weather was kind to us,the ground was dry and we made good progress through the recently harvested fields. We passed through…

Harvest Hobble Resoled 25/09/2016

The route is an old favourite and always enjoyed. The ground was firm and dry and with the sun and autumn breeze the going was very pleasant. There were eight starters at Ludford with another man and his dog joining the walk just after the breakfast stop at the Ramblers church at Walesby. At…

Saxilby Saunter Social Walk 09/10/2106

We met in the Saxilby Village Hall car park, fifteen walkers including two guests and one new member. Our leader was Esther. The morning was cool but bright and we soon warmed up as the sun became stronger. On our outwood journey we met more cyclists than cars on the quiet lanes and tracks and…

Lincs Trails to Tealby Social Walk 29102016

This is a walk route which never fails to please. Nine members took part, leaving Nettleton just as a fine misty drizzle began to fall. Heading south on the low level route option, our leader David skillfully avoided some recently ploughed fields which would have made for heavy going in the mud. We…

Lilla Cross - The late Terry Griffiths

Members of the Lincolnshire LDWA group travelled to Goathland on 30th October 2016. They, and members of other walking groups took part in a walk to Lilla Cross on the North Yorkshire Moors for a ceremony in memory of our friend Terry Griffiths who passed away while on a walking holiday in…

Big Skies and Straight Lines 201116

The weather had turned from sunshine on Saturday to wind and heavy rain on Sunday. Nevertheless, nine members and one dog met at Waddingham as dawn just about broke. The Big Skies were largely obscured by low rain cloud but we managed all the Straight Lines which most of our paths and tracks…

Christmas Walk and Lunch 2016

Eleven walkers met at the Heanage Arms in Hainton for a walk in the Willingham area of Lincolnshire. The route took in Legsby, Willingham Woods and arrived back in Hainton, the party having covered about 12 muddy miles. The day was bright and clear. Being the festive time of year there were…

Julia's January Jaunt Mk2

We were to enjoy a mild and pleasant day for walking with 19 members, including 3 new members joining us for the first time,for the first outing of the year. From our redezvous at Bigby, Julia lead us along a mile or so of the Viking Way before striking off north towards Hendale where we enjoyed a…

Passport to Yorkshire 19th February 2017

Terry Griffiths was a true great in the longdistance walking community. He and his wife Ruth, supported and lead many walks for northern groups of the LDWA, including Lincolnshire. This multi-group walk was to remember Terry on one of his favourite routes. The turnout of 85 walkers reflected…

Lincoln North by Northwest 190317

Nine walkers took part on a day when rain threatened but managed to hold off until we finished. Good walking conditions underfoot prevailed. After a saunter along Brayford Wharf and the ascent of Steep Hill, a mile or so of road walking took us out of the city to the carriage drive near Burton…

Figure of Eight and an AGM 9042017

Twenty one members and guests set off from Hagworthingham for an interesting walk, devised and lead by Christine. We were to complete the first loop of the figure of eight in the morning, return to Hag for the lunchtime AGM then, after completing the group business, continue the walk and complete…

Blankney Blunder 23 April 17

A lovely spring day was in prospect as nine of us set off with Terry leading. We were joined by 3 visitors, all members of more southern based, LDWA groups. The route took us across field paths and bridleways, dry and easy going under foot after the prolonged dry weather of recent weeks. Pretty…

The Belvoir Witches Walk 210517

The walk was billed as a joint outing with the Sherwood Grp but in the event we enjoyed the company of walkers from four groups, B,B&N, High Peak, Sherwood and Lincs, 19 in total. Lead by Sandra Butcher we set off from the village of Bottesford on a bright, sunny spring day. The origins of the walk…

Walk around AGM May 2022

The walk took place on sunday 1st May. The forecast was for showers and heavy cloud but we were blessed with bright sunshine throughout most of the walk. In the morning we set off from Hagworthingham in a loop of approximately 11 miles arriving back at the village for the AGM in the village Church…

Skegness Walk May 2022

Unfortunately only a small number of group members turned up for what was to be a very enjoyable walk. After setting off from the outskirts of Skegness we completed a loop through many of the nearby villages and made a detour to the National Trust property of Gunby Hall. As  we waited for the group…

2022 Christmas Walk

Sunday 4th December saw 7 group members set off from Burton Waters for a 12 mile walk along the towpath of the Fossdyke canal and surrounding fields and back lanes, arriving back in Burton Waters for Christmas lunch at the Woodcocks Inn. Although only a relatively small number of the group attended…

Wragby Walk November 2022

A new  walk for the group in that it covered an area where most of us have not previously walked. Setting off in mist, the weather quickly improved and we walked most of the 18.5 mile circuit in a very mild climate. The walk was a mix of country lanes, fields and wooded areas. 11 members of the…

Ludford Walk October 2022

This 20 mile walk started from the village hall in Ludford. After a year in which most of our social walks have taken place in sunshine, the weather turned against us today. We set off in torrential rain and it stayed that way for all morning and into the early afternoon. After a stop for lunch,…

Swaby Walk July 2022

This walk took place at the beginning of July and 8 of us started off in brilliant sunshine from the layby on the outskirts of Swaby. A very enjoyable walk followed through the Wolds countryside with a brief shower taking place as we  took lunch, and shortly after setting off again the sunshine…

Dave Milne Walk June 2022

Todays walk was Lincolnshire's contribution to mark the 50th anniversary of the LDWA. A total of 11 participants took part (7 walkers and 4 runners) and all finished the course being presented with a certificate and badge at the finishing post. The walk itself took place in good weather, being dry…