Alan & David's End Point Walk 06/08/23

"Some days are truly memorable and today is one of them. Alan Warrington and I are walking from Lands End to Ness Point and raising funds for the British Heart Foundation as we do so.
Today our friends from Essex and Herts LDWA met us and showed us so much kindness.
Firstly, we were camped last night on Deacon Hill and at about 6.50am I spotted a man walking towards our camp spot. I initially thought we'd been rumbled by a landowner but no, it was Richard Haynes walking to us with a flask of hot water, coffee and milk.
We then walked off the hill with Richard and met several other group members who had walked from the nearby village of Pirton.
Belgian buns, hot chocolates, a packed lunch water, a fabulous 20 mile walk along the Icknield Way to Royston and to cap it off, out meal was bought in the local Wetherspoons.
We have been sent on our way with M&Ms, more Belgian buns, midget gems and wet wipes (!!)
Alan and I are talking through the day and we both found the support rather emotional. This journey has been amazing and so many friends have supported us and today we have experienced the affection that friendship in the LDWA brings.
Thank you to Lizzie, Gill, Rob, Richard, Elaine, Heidi, Francoise and Shu!
South Wales LDWA are hosting Essex and Herts in 2024 and I for one can't wait to repay the favours given today!!"     David Morgan

"6th August 2023. A day that will go down as one of the most memorable in my life for all the right reasons. Thank you gang for all you have done for us."  Alan Warrington

photos: David, Gill, Lizzie