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News from the LDWA

Wainwright's Coast To Coast: National Trail status to be awarded by 2025.

Posted on 2022-09-08

The route passes Haweswater Reservoir in the valley of Mardale, Lake District.

An announcement dated 12 August 2022 from the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs confirms that Wainwright's Coast To Coast long distance path (LDP) is to be awarded National Trail status once it has been 'improved' and 'enhanced' to meet National Trail Quality Standards. This means features including accessibility, signage and path surface, plus circular paths and link routes. The proposals include 9.7 miles of new public footpath, 9 miles of new public bridleway, and 5 miles of realignment of existing rights of way. The government is to provide £5million of new funding for the Trail's upgrading.

The announcement says that 'Enhancements will be undertaken over three years with the upgraded path expected to open in 2025'.

On 7 September 2022 the official National Trails website had yet to confirm the news.

You can find information (lots of it) on Wainwright’s Coast To Coast here.

Iain Connell
LDWA LDPs Officer

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