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News from the LDWA

A festive message from LDWA Chair, Julie Cribb

Posted on 2022-12-24

Shepherds and Kings, according to some sources, walked a long way following stars. I’m sat here wondering what food they’d eat along the way. Would they have checkpoints with delicious cake and wonderful volunteers? Would a route description be more helpful than astral mapping? Would they find out about their social walks through Meet-up or Strider? Should they choose trusty leather boots, or nimble trail shoes? And how would they register the hills they’d climbed?

I’m now reminded of the gifts I get from walking. The people I meet. The friendships I’ve made. The support I’ve found during tough times. The fitness and mental health benefits I take full advantage of. And I feel blessed.

So, as Santa and Rudolph set off, and as dusk falls upon the LDWA’s 50th year, I’d like to wish you all good health, happiness and incredible walks.


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