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Tops of the North : volume II : Carlisle and the Cheviot to the Cat & Fiddle


Publication Type
General Interest Book
Graham Wilson
Date Published
170 x 120 mm
Number of Pages
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Publisher's website 2018

This is the second and final part of Tops of the North, Graham Wilson’s account of his 1,100-kilometre walk linking County Tops (old and new) of northern England. In Volume I he explored the western reaches, from Three Shire Head to Carlisle; now, in Volume II, he finishes his circuit. From Carlisle to The Cheviot and the Northumberland coast, the Durham moors to the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District, this entertainingly roundabout route finally returns to the moorland near Buxton where it began.

The diverse tour takes in Hadrian’s Wall and Northumbrian castles, saintly Ways and long distance footpaths. In passing, Wilson discusses knitting miners and the Geordie language, Ted Hughes and the Venerable Bede, bogs, plagues and George I – and much more.

Paths Covered by this Publication:

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