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Craigower Lodge, Newtonmore, Inverness-shire


Hostel Accommodation
Golf Course Rd, NEWTONMORE, Inverness-shire, PH20 1AT
01540 673319
(01540) 673390
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Accommodation Info
Craigower Lodge is situated in its own quiet grounds in the highland village of Newtonmore within the Cairngorms National Park. Our central Highlands location makes Craigower the ideal base for outdoor activities. Within easy reach of Craigower we have the rivers Spey, Findhorn, Roy and Spean. For the Mountaineer we are halfway between The Northern Corries and Creag Meagaidh. Hillwalkers have an abundance of Munros nearby, for skiers and snowboarders, Cairngorm Mountain is nearby and Nevis Range within an hour. For the cyclist we have Sustrans route 7 coming through the village and the all new Wolftrax downhill trails at Laggan are a must.
Craigower Lodge welcomes individuals, families, groups and clubs to this magnificent part of Scotland where we can quite literally say its all on our doorstep. The Lodge is extensively renovated to STB 3* hostel status and provides self-catering and catered accommodation for up to 68 people. Instruction, guiding and activity breaks available all year.


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Paths within 5 Km of this accommodation:

134 km / 83 miles
< 1 km
137 km / 85 miles
< 1 km
864 km / 537 miles
1 km
45 km / 28 miles
4 km

Events within 20 Km of this accommodation:

Sun 30th Jun 2024
4 km

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