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Outdoor Alternative, Rhoscolyn (Information and photos


Hostel Accommodation
Cerrig-yr-Adar, Rhoscolyn, HOLYHEAD, Anglesey, LL65 2NQ
01407 860469
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Accommodation Info

Wonderfully situated in 7 acres of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 300m from a beach at south end of Holy Island, Anglesey. Nearby Holyhead has rail links and ferries to Ireland. The centre is an excellent base for so much in the outdoors and is immediately adjacent to the Anglesey Coastal Path. There is spectacular geology, a range of habitats and species of marine life, birds and plants. There are prehistoric remains and good walking on a varied and accessible coast. Kayakers have classic sea tours, overfalls, playwaves, surf and rockhopping. Climbers have Gogarth nearby and Rhoscolyn offers all grades in an attractive setting. Divers can beach launch for wrecks and scenic marine life. Birdwatching is excellent. There are two self-contained units and camping with toilets and showers. We encourage careful energy use, composting & recycling. Walking distance to Pub.


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Paths within 5 Km of this accommodation:

212 km / 132 miles
< 1 km
1386 km / 861 miles
< 1 km
558 km / 347 miles
5 km

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