Spring into Old Hutton

Sat 14th Apr 2012

Walk Details:

Event Type
Challenge Event
Region / Area
Northern England / Cumbria
11.1, 7.6 or 5.6ml.
Start Time
Start from 08.30am
From Old Hutton Village Hall LA8 ONQ

Three Loops over low fells, farmland and country lanes

General Notes
Home made refreshments after each loop and certificate for all finishers. Badge for sale. Entry form on website or SEF accepted. Organised by Westmorland and North Lancs Group. Cheque payable to 'Spring into Old Hutton'

Entry Details:

Entry in advance £7.00 (£9 non-ldwa) (£10.00 OTD)


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Show Hostel Accommodation

Show Bunk House

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Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.