Lyvennet Up in the Eden Valley


Packhorse Bridge in EdenWhen Caroline planned this walk from Morland she had three reasons for choosing it.  Firstly it was on her new doorstep of Carlisle, secondly she felt we had not really walked the area very much and thirdly there is a really super tea shop in Morland which just cries out to be tested a few times.  And that she did - visiting something like 5 times before the walk (although she never actually did do a recce of the walk we believe!). 

This area is very charming, with the River Eden down in the verdant valleys and the wonderful wide Pennine Sky Scapes out to the East and sneaky views over to Blencathra and the Nortern Fells when you get to the top of the lumps and bumps.  The river Lyvennet was also visited, with a beautiful ford for the afternoon resting place. 

It had been rather soggy underfoot for the past few weeks and Caroline was dreading leading the walk, but it turned out alright on the night, with the improving ground and certainly no ill effects at the Tea shop at the end! We would recommend this area to others to give it a try.  And thanks to our neighbours of Cumbria group who turned out to join us.  Oh, and hi to Chris, National Park Ranger who we spotted in his garden in Morland - good to see you!


Easy Does it


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