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Bylaws for Election of Officers

Adopted by the LDWA National Committee on 11th July 2015

These Bylaws detail the mechanism for the election of the National Committee under Article 6 of the Association Constitution.

1.    The August issue of Strider shall contain a notice inviting nominations for the six Principal Officer posts of Chair, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Editor, Internet Officer and for six Executive Officers by the due date (as laid down in the Constitution, currently 16 weeks before the AGM). At the same time a similar notice shall be placed prominently on the Association website, and sent by email to those who have registered their email address. The notice shall state that nomination forms are available from the General Secretary or on the Association website, and will give details of how to contact the General Secretary and the relevant location of the information on the web site. Additionally, information will be given on how to obtain the job descriptions for all the positions and who to contact for further information on what the positions involve.  The notice should also include an indication of the posts where the existing Committee members are not proposing to stand for re-election.

2.    Completed nomination forms must be received by the General Secretary by the due date. The forms must be signed by the candidate and their proposer and seconder who must all be members of the Association, and may include a personal statement or election address of not more than 100 words.

3.    In the event of there being more than one candidate for any of the six Principal Officer posts, or more than six candidates for the six Executive Officer positions, all the candidates will be contacted and informed that an election will be necessary. Candidates who do not wish to be part of an election may then withdraw if they wish. If the candidates do not withdraw, an election shall be held, as detailed in paragraphs 4 -10 below.

4.    The election shall be conducted in advance of the AGM. Voting papers, listing the candidates, their proposers and seconders, and their election statements for both contested and uncontested positions, shall be circulated to all members at least 28 days prior to the AGM. (Circulation with December Strider is desirable and should be feasible.) Members who have indicated their willingness to receive notices by email may be sent voting papers by email.

5.    In addition to the papers listed in para. 2, candidates for contested elections will be allowed to provide an extended election address not exceeding A5 in size. Both sides may be used and may include a small photograph. This will be dispatched with the voting papers outlined above.

6.    Three independent Tellers, who shall not be current National Committee members nor nominees for any Committee position or their proposers or seconders, nor related to any of the candidates, shall be appointed by the National Committee to oversee the election. One of the Tellers shall be designated to receive votes. If any of the candidates feels that one or more of the Tellers should not be appointed he/she should inform the General Secretary in writing of the reasons for their concern and the NEC will consider their request.  

7.    Members may vote by sending their completed voting papers by post to the designated Teller. The Association may also set up a secure website or other secure electronic medium to receive votes electronically. Such a website or medium shall be readable only by the Tellers. To be valid, votes must be received at least 14 days before the AGM. An Individual, Honorary or Affiliate member has one vote and a Family member has up to two votes.

8.    Following the closing date for receipt of votes, the Tellers shall count the votes, ensuring their validity, in particular that those voting are members of the Association and that no electronic votes duplicate paper votes.

9.    Prior to the AGM the Tellers shall inform the Chair (or NEC appointed deputy Chair if the Chair is a candidate for a contested position) of the name or names of the successful candidates. At the appropriate point of the AGM the Chair will announce the names of those elected and the numbers of votes cast for each candidate.

10.    Nominees and their supporters may not use the Association address list or email address list for the purposes of mass canvassing.

11.    The Association may set up a Forum on the Association website, on which Committee nominees (whether or not for positions that are contested) may post election statements. Members of the Association may post questions or comments, addressed to candidates singularly or severally, on matters relevant to the election, which candidates may, at their discretion, reply to.

Philip Heneghan
General Secretary to the National Executive Committee

July, 2015

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