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Policy on Donations, Subscriptions and Loans

The LDWA has limited funds available to make donations, subscriptions or loans to appropriate organisations or projects.

In deciding what to support and to what level, the main criteria is how much the donation will assist the aims and objects of the Association. Thus requests will be judged primarily by the extent to which they further the common interest of those who enjoy long distance walking. According to the Association's constitution, this includes projects that relate to events or to long distance paths, but also those that support the interests of walkers in general, the preservation of the beauty of the countryside, and access to the countryside.

Every case will be judged on its individual merits, but in allocating donations, subscriptions or loans, the Committee will take into account factors such as the following:

  • The extent to which the project furthers the Association's aims and objects
  • The benefit to the Association, to walkers or to the environment.
  • Whether the benefit is of limited or widespread extent, and local or national.
  • Value for money.
  • The extent to which the success of the particular project depends on the donation being made.
  • The publicity value for the Association.
  • Whether those benefiting have supported the LDWA in the past or might be called on to do so in the future.
  • Whether the project directly involves LDWA members or local groups.
  • Indirect benefits of the donation, such as whether the donation will enable other funds to be released, or if the donation will facilitate work by volunteers.
  • The amount of donations already made in each financial year

Written requests for donations, which may be from individuals or organisations, should be sent to the LDWA Treasurer as far in advance as possible. There should be a brief 'Case for Support' which should cover the following information:

  • The nature of the project or organisation to be supported.
  • The benefit to the Association, to walkers or to the environment, and how the Association's aims and objects will be furthered.
  • To what extent members or local groups of the LDWA are involved in the project or organisation seeking support.
  • The amount requested, and whether a donation, subscription, guarantee or loan is sought.
  • Whether funds have been obtained or requested from elsewhere for the same purpose, and if so how much.
  • When the money is required.
  • A contact name, address and phone number.

The National Committee may also make such donations to any project, appeal or other cause which is brought to its attention by any member or organisation.

Approved by National Committee on 7th July 2007

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