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Features of the Serpent Trail

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Publication Type
Other (fold-out wildlife identification chart)
Field Studies Council
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The Field Studies Council (FSC) is an educational charity based in the UK.


Publisher's website 2020

The Serpent Trail is a 64 mile (103 km) long-distance off-road route in Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire. The trail highlights the landscape of the greensand hills and their wildlife, history and conservation. Follow the Serpent Trail waymarker discs to explore some of the most breathtaking countryside in the south-east of England.

Beautiful colour paintings will help you to identify the special birds, wild flowers, reptiles and insects of the greensand hills.

The name of the trail reflects the serpentine shape of the route. Starting with the serpent’s tongue in Haslemere High Street in Surrey, the route leads to the serpent’s head at Black Down in West Sussex and from there the body turns west, east, then west again along the greensand ridges. The trail snakes by Liphook, Milland, Fernhurst, Petworth, Fittleworth, Duncton, Heyshott, Midhurst, Stedham and Nyewood before finally reaching the tail at Petersfield in Hampshire. Public rights of way, private permissive routes and a few quiet roads link much of the Access land in this area.

Paths Covered by this Publication:

103 km / 64 miles

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