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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - what is the preferred fuel for stove?

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 24th May 2010, 10:15
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Congratulations on getting so far: you'll enjoy the Pennine Way: the challenge, the beauty and the isolation. You'll be doing short sections of the 2008 Yoredale Hundred: Gargrave to Malham, then Horton to Hawes. Unfortunately by the time you reach Scotland, we'll have come and gone, on the Heart of Scotland Hundred. Good luck and good weather for the rest of the walk.
Posted: Wed 19th May 2010, 10:44
Joined: 1987
What about getting a Bush Buddy wood burning stove - then fuel isn't a problem because you pick it as you walk! (Unless it rains, of course!)
Posted: Wed 19th May 2010, 0:33
Joined: 2010
FYI I am at the start of the Pennine Way now. I have been able to ascertain the following. The preferred gas in the UK is the blue bottled clip apparatus of propane/butane. Buy 2 get the 3rd for free. the puncture cannister is out. I have purchased the solid fuel stove with 24 pellets for £3.4 with an additional 24 pellets for £2.4. It takes 4 pellets to ignite and boil water in less than 4 minutes so for now this is my backup if the gas cannisters run out. More on this later but I am hoping the solid fuel turns out to be lighter, cheaper and accessible as the trip progresses.
Posted: Thu 11th Feb 2010, 22:13
Joined: 1982
Get a wife they know every thing.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 11th Feb 2010, 22:05
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Overall, I would tend towards gas canisters (butane/propane) they are probably the most widely available fuel source - no I tell a lie, maybe the MSR multi-fuel type (petrol especially) would be better. I like meths, but not always that easy to obtain as it isn't that popular (for trekking fuel) over here. Think I would go for gas canisters for general convenience, yes, definately for the Uk. Matt.
Posted: Wed 10th Feb 2010, 0:33
Joined: 2010
I am Canadian planning on doing the LEJOG commencing mid-April. I am at a loss as to what stove to bring with me as I do not know the availability of fuel in the UK. I guess the choices are liquid naptha or white gas, propane/butane cannisters, or some sort of soid fuel. My main concern is availability or resupply. I don't want to be lugging spare fuel if I can avoid it but I don't want to find myself in a position where I can't source the fuel either. What do LDWA members suggest?

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