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Discussion Forum - Events - Smugglers Trod

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 13th Jun 2016, 15:43
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire

I found step-distances on the pdf of the revised route description*. The pdf map is not zoom-able but is enough for route markup.


* Includes references to 'duct boards'. Is this a distant cousin of another Forum thread from a Ms Maloprop of North Wales, in which she suggests the use of 'duck tape' for running (aka walking) repairs ? (Must be quack remedy).
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 6th Jun 2016, 20:28
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
I have the website, the checkpoint GRs and the pdf map. I'm looking for distances between checkpoints or cumulative distances, and a map which has different levels of detail.
Author: George Cawkwell
Posted: Mon 6th Jun 2016, 19:06
Joined: 1980
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Everything you need on the Yorkshire Coast website Ian, under Smugglers Trod tab.

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Mon 6th Jun 2016, 12:31
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Any pre-event route description, interactive (e.g. Bing) map, or, in particular, checkpoint split distances, for 2016 ?

I have the pdf map (ok for DIY route plotting) and cp/self-clip GRs, but not (yet) GPS trackfile(s).

Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 28th Aug 2012, 19:11
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Ah - so that is what the bag is for- I was wondering! Too late cos my new B/F has claimed it,that will teach me for being slow.
And I too thoroughly enjoyed sweeping. Even though the entrants were so good this year that we didn't encounter any laggers! Or was I too slow I wonder? Nope- Kate too busy saying Hi and chatting to checkpointers! But just joking- it was fun.And on Checkpoint one I was too busy striking off the numbers to say hi to anyone. My apologies. Next year I will be the one doing the snipping off the numbers with the scissors....
The mud and peat did make me think about going barefoot walking and join in with the running brigade. It must be cheaper than ruining footwear in all that acidy mud. In fact, why stop at the footwear? I was up to my knees at one point....trousers ruined also! Discard them too.
Finally, I will join the other ladies and use fancy dress as a female pirate next year. Think leather and lots of cleavage.....
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Mon 27th Aug 2012, 15:40
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
Thank you to Yorkshire Coast for the 25th event on 25 August. The Strider report from the inaugural event in 1987 mentioned that there was thick mist and we had the same again on Saturday. The checkpoint teams were as happy and welcoming as ever, which is a great attraction on this event. For the 25th we were all given a souvenir boot bag - a nice thought.
Posted: Wed 27th Aug 2008, 21:08
Joined: 1982
Just got back home after spending 7 days on the Yorkshire coast. The Smugglers Trod was excellent and it was credit to the organisers that it went ahead after all the rain we had in that part of the country the two days before the event. I had intended to do the 26 miler but then I found out that my Taxi driver (she who must be obeyed)did not fancy the twenty mile round drive from the caravan site on a B/H. So I had an extra five miles to walk back(strange there are three signposts within yards of each other at Ravenscar and all give a different distance to Robin Hoods Bay)The walk was wet (very wet) in parts but no so was the Moors The Merrier the month before and the Durham Dales the month before that. This seems to be the way it is this year.
David H

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