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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - pub stop or not

Author: Nick Ford
Posted: Fri 10th Aug 2007, 3:24
Joined: 1996
Local Group: The Irregulars
Most walks have some kind of "lunch" stop planned along the way. After all they're not meant to be races. So what's the difference between stopping at a pub or a shadey nook(apart from the obvious). Not all Irregular walks stop at pubs, admittedly the majority do. Not all Irregulars go into the pub, admittedly most of us do. However some stop outside to have lunch then come in for a soft drink. But thats a personal choice. Just because the stop is at an inn doesnt mean you have to drink beer. I dont and although i get ribbed for requesting my pot of tea. Theres nothing like a good brew, wether it be hops or tea leaf.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Tue 3rd Jul 2007, 17:12
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
The Royal Oak, Hooksway. It is an old haunt of Matthew's from far too many years ago. When he drank there it was spit and sawdust, hand pulled pints into a jug and wait for a glass, sheep and ducks in the bar, and no nonsense! I think it has changed a bit! Would have loved to have seen it 30/40 years ago. Any other good walkers' pubs out there?
Author: Merrian Lancaster
Posted: Tue 3rd Jul 2007, 9:56
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I can't ignore the nagging curiosity, which pub was it please Jane?
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Tue 3rd Jul 2007, 8:37
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Just had a grand walk out with the Wessex group and we had lunch at a pub that I had wanted to visit for years, but had never got around to. Southern prices came as a bit of a shock though, just remembered why we moved to Wales! Glorious countryside and proper slippery, slidy, chalky, downland mud and flints more than compensated. Plus wild raspberries, orchids, fruit cake, good company.......... Thanks Wessex. Jane
Posted: Fri 29th Jun 2007, 23:05
Joined: 2007
Hi. Personally the idea of the 'pub stop' is what has put me off joining many a walking group! A quick stop on the hill for lunch is IMO a highlight of a walk but i'd rather save any drinking for the end of the walk or preferably any ordinary friday night!

I know a lot of people likely disagree but for me walking and drinking booze don't mix! (and even without booze a pub stop eats into valuable walking time).

Posted: Tue 13th Feb 2007, 15:59
I like both, depending on the circumstances and the length of the walk. I've only just joined so haven't worked up to the really long distances yet, but on a shorter walk, it's nice to have a decent break at lunchtime if it doesn't make a really late finish. On longer walks, we tend to set out early, then finish for a late lunch, with only a couple of brief stops for water/snack bars carried with us.
For walks longer than that, I don't think I would get going again if I stopped for an hour in the middle!
Author: John Williams
Posted: Mon 5th Feb 2007, 12:50
Joined: 1984
Local Group: The Irregulars
Now that I am getting a bit longer in the tooth I enjoy a pub stop and a sandwwich with the Irregulars.However in my younger days I would have looked down my nose at people who took an hour for a break and said they should be in the Ramblers.It is all a matter of your point of view which doesn't neccessarily stay the same throughout your life.There is clearlyroom for both points of view and both are catered for within the.
Posted: Wed 31st May 2006, 10:31
Joined: 1986
I walk with 2 groups, the Irregulars and the West Yorks group
The first has a pub stop of 1 hour on most walks. The second group does not have one at all. I much prefer not having the break and the pub stop is a deterrent to going out with the Irregulars sometimes. However it is a democratic decision and I have no issue with it and when I do go out with them I often enjoy the sit down and a couple of pints although it is a bit of struggle to get going again afterwards.
Author: John Knight
Posted: Fri 11th Nov 2005, 12:47
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Anytime Anywhere
Carol - if you're anywhere in the North of England or North Midlands, why not come out with South Manchester group? We have a full and varied walks programme, and (except on rare occasions) NO PUB STOPS. Like you, we don't like to sit around long enough to stiffen up, and we don't like full bladders slowing us up in the afternoon, so we usually have a 20-30 minute butty break, and tea breaks morning and afternoon.
Posted: Thu 10th Nov 2005, 22:59
Joined: 1982
I agree with Carol Ann. Yes I like a social drink but I do not like going in to a pub in the middle of a walk, either for a soft or hard drink. There is a local walking group (not L D W A) that have developed a habit since opening hours have been relaxed of dashing round the last few miles, so one or two can get a few jars down there throats. This I find rather off putting and not a pleasant way of drinking or finishing a walk. Having said that I have been known to have stashed a well wrapped up flash of strong coffie laced with a good dash of even stronger Black Rum. That was drank on the coach home.
David H
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Thu 10th Nov 2005, 19:30
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Quite seriously, how about leading a walk without a pub stop for your local group ? It's worth a go, as there must be some members who don't want stops, or this thread wouldn't have started. However, I think most people would want at least a 20 minute stop to eat something (carried with them) or some water. We do have such walks in Norfolk and Suffolk Group, I would say that maybe a third don't have pubs. My last post was intended to support the pub stop, and is true, but wasn't intended to state that pub stops were the rule. If anything it's a summer thing; I led a walk this summer which visited a pub where most had soft drinks and all filled water bottles. Without the pub we couldn't have completed the walk, too hot !
Author: Carol Coyne
Posted: Thu 10th Nov 2005, 12:30
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Surrey
The reason I don't go on group walks is because of pub stops. I socialise as I walk, don't drink at lunchtime and stiffen up if I sit for an hour. I'm indoors all week - I wnat to spend the whole of my walks in the open air!
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Tue 20th Sep 2005, 18:31
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
I agree John. If we are out for the day then a couple of hours in stops doesn't matter. We try for 1/2 hour at lunch, maybe more, and 20 minutes morning and afternoon stops. Last Sunday on the Flower of Suffolk marshals' walk we had Adnams at lunchtime, and a tea stop at Sizewell-T in the afternoon. If it's hot maybe a bitter shandy even though it spoils the taste ! The only time I can remember the navigation being a bit fuzzy was after a lunch stop at the St Peter's Brewery tap where we weren't allowed to eat our own food, and the pub food was a 1/2 hour wait to be served so we didn't bother. We are lucky here; Woodfordes, Adnams, Brandon, Humpty Dumpty, Bartrams etc (and Greene King if there's nothing else !)
Author: John Lay
Posted: Tue 20th Sep 2005, 10:28
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Surrey
It seems we are on our own in the SURREY GROUP ! Without exception we ALWAYS stop for at least an hour at a pub for lunch. It is ,after all , part of the enjoyment of a social walk that we find a proper inn , not one of these pretentious gin palaces , where we can enjoy bar food and decent CAMRA ale or the ladies go for their gin/tonics and then in the afternoon we invariably find a teashop before the end and still manage to do a 20 miler , sometimes more. We are walkers who like to drink and ENJOY ourselves even if we do occasionally get lost on the way back to the carpark.
Posted: Wed 24th Aug 2005, 5:27
Joined: 1982
With the greatest difficulty, stagger may be a more accurate.
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Wed 24th Aug 2005, 1:09
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
how do you manage to walk after a hard drink?lol
Posted: Wed 10th Aug 2005, 23:09
Joined: 1982
I drink after a hard walk or walk after a hard drink but like the grape and the barley I do not mix them
Author: Norman Corrin
Posted: Tue 9th Aug 2005, 17:19
Joined: 1981
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Which brings me to a good question. How would members classify themselves? As drinkers who walk or walkers who drink?
Posted: Fri 5th Aug 2005, 19:44
Joined: 1982
If I stop at a pub I realy need those trees afterwards, it is best to leave pubs to those that preffer drinking to walking
Author: Steve Jelfs
Posted: Fri 5th Aug 2005, 14:11
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Heart of England

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