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Discussion Forum - Website Development - What's happened to the website?

Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Tue 9th Sep 2008, 8:17
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
Not sure, but could the new "Home" be the famous post office where the LDWA was born?
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Sun 7th Sep 2008, 21:06
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
I see the home has gone rather downmarket
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Thu 28th Aug 2008, 6:52
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
It's good that all the previous posts can be seen by simply scrolling down rather than nezt page/previous page
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Thu 21st Aug 2008, 17:13
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Thanks for the comments - keep them coming. The decision was made to go live with the new layout knowing that there may be a few bugs to be sorted. Reg has been working his way through them and the site now works well for most people. It's difficult to know where to strike the balance between making the site more sophisticated to take advantage of new technology and keeping a format that is practicable for people with older machines and dial-up internet.
There is much more to be done. Some of the page formats may need tweaking and we need to update the text pages, which are generally a bit long in the tooth. The local group sites will also get a makeover as soon as possible. And yes, we need a whole lot of new photographs!

What the new look gives us is a platform for further expansion and improvement. Watch this space.
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Wed 20th Aug 2008, 20:32
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
The window that the posts are displayed in is too small and wrongly positioned.
Author: Geoff Deighton
Posted: Sun 10th Aug 2008, 22:13
Joined: 1981
Local Group: High Peak
Further to my previous posting, linking to Multi-Map now works, though for 2 days it didn't!

As to the new look - I really like it. It looks a lot more modern and is easier to navigate. My only (small) complaints are it is a bit slower than before and the picture and map take up so much screen that you have to scroll down everytime to get to the information.

Apart from that, well done!

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sat 9th Aug 2008, 22:43
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I have thought long and hard about this for several drunken minutes.
The house has to go and the above picture (group walkers) has to go as well.

Oh, and can we have facility to conduct a 'poll' on here - then we could vote on it !! Matt.
Author: Geoff Deighton
Posted: Sat 9th Aug 2008, 21:44
Joined: 1981
Local Group: High Peak
When I click on the grid ref for walk starts, I get into Multi-Map but then nothing happens and the computer locks up. Is it my PC or is there a fault?

Author: Edith Moran
Posted: Fri 8th Aug 2008, 12:51
Joined: 1986
Local Group: Cleveland Nomads
Must agree about the house. Surely with all the wonderful scenery we have in this country we could find something to represent walking. Also I notice that social walks are still "events". Very confusing for prospective members.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 5th Aug 2008, 10:09
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
It's great! Love the events page with the event location shown on the map! Our old site was looking a little dated...
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sat 2nd Aug 2008, 10:35
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Having been away on a jazz course for the past week, my discussion-forum reading has been done on either my mobile phone, or my iPod Touch when I can get WiFi (locations for which are increasing rapidly).
The new site works well and everyone - especially Reg - should be congratulated. My only observations concern the two main images - the thatched cottage and the mass of walkers setting off. I would think all web surfers are familiar with the concept of a "home page" without the need for a graphical reminder! Further, the message the mass-start photo gives is that all walks are congested affairs and not at all representative of the space and freedom we enjoy. Surely, given the number of photographers we have in the association, we can find photographs more representative of each of the pages?

A competition perhaps?

Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 21:27
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Just had a look at the events page. I just love the map! Gives a circle where the event is. Oh the little things in life!!!
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 21:24
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Yahoo !! Looks brill - very jazzy. Only just got round to reading my Strider today and it said there was a new look website. Thought I was missing something, but here it is now. Well done folks!
Author: John Sparshatt
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 21:08
Joined: 1983
Local Group: West Yorkshire
It is going to take a few days to get all the pages loaded and working correctly. Please bear with us and if you don't like the photographs on any particular page just send in a suggestion for a more appropriate one. There are bugs on the forum pages which are being corrected, some of the problems are with the Internet Explorer browser.

I think Reg Chapman has done an excellent job so far with the look and feel of the LDWA website just give him time to get the job finished.
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 20:02
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
What a shock!! The day started as normal with my cycle into work; put the kettle on and settled down at my desk as usual with my morning cup of coffee, checked my emails and logged in as normal to read the forum beofre the madness begins at work....and changed.....Well for someone that doesn't like change it takes a bit of getting used to but seems fine, only irritating thing is that when I click on the forum I have to then scroll down past the pictures (of the walkers and the map) to see the text, but seems good so far apart from these teething probs...
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 19:30
Joined: 2002
First impressions as has already been said the Chintzy Biscuit tin house is Naff and really does not fall in with the description immediately underneath, as to the Purpose of the association,

Otherwise a vast improvement on the previous dreary format, all functions seem to be working for me but i have not had long to play with all the features yet.

However well done to all involved your hard work will help to show a more welcoming and forward thinking Face of the LDWA to the Casual Surfer of the net, and tempt them to find out more.

Shame about the house though.


Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 16:24
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
The house represents HOME. As you say doesn't quite work for me. What I do like is the GR, highlighted in red, gives an indication on the map of where the walk is and brings up Multimap. However my Troutbeck Tops and Tea should read {b}NY412027{b} My fault
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 14:28
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Don't think the photo of the house works. It's the first thing you look at and I thought I'd clicked on to a holiday accommodation website by mistake.
Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 10:44
Joined: 2003
I've tried again and it was a bit quicker this time (presumably as the site was in the memory or something?) However, the direct links to the individual forums don't seem to work. I could only access this one via the main forum page, not the new, fancy drop-down gizmos.
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 10:24
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
this is going to take some getting use to.
my little map of britain in the header keeps jumping from the right in the header to below the header, and the drop down menus don't drop down underneath but drop down further on to the right
Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2008, 9:59
Joined: 2003
Aaaaagh!! I've just logged on to the new-look website and it's taken ages. Not every member can afford broadband, so why include extra slow-loading pictures? I had absolutely no problems with the old-version site.

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