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Discussion Forum - Events - A Walk With The Smugglers

Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Mon 14th Jul 2008, 11:38
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Sorry - I dozily posted this in Events rather than Event Reports!

Lovely weather and an excellent, gently undulating route in the best of the Kent countryside: orchards, hop fields, oast houses. The first CP (by Bendenden church) was particularly notable - inside the church, people seemed to be singing Hark The Herald Angels Sing, and at the CP we were being fed with hot cross buns, so we had Christmas and Easter at once. One interesting moment in a field between Bodiam and Bedgebury Forest when a herd of cows had grouped themselves in large bovine mass right in front of the exit stile but after eyeballing me for a few moments they trotted off. Many thanks to Kent LDWA for their usual great hospitality. It was good to see so many friendly faces.

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