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Discussion Forum - Events - The Surrey Tops

Author: Andrew Sansum
Posted: Mon 31st Mar 2008, 20:21
Joined: 2005
A great day and night out - my first time out in the deep, dark forests at night and great fun (once I remembered to switch on lights and navigation systems). I loved the mud too - though it rather cramped my running efforts after CP3 (great stew). Many thanks to the organisers and checkpoint staff.

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 31st Mar 2008, 11:48
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
A good stiff walk under trying conditions, especially the last twenty miles. Jelleys Hollow could be aptly renamed Mud Gully. Catering was to a great standard: the array of food at Check Point 1 was excellent for a first checkpoint and enabled us to power up for the endless stretch of the North Downs Way. Really welcome was the hot stew at Abinger Common (31.5 miles). This gladdened many hearts and stiffened the sinews for what was to come. The last 7.5 miles felt like 15 in the small hours. Thanks to all who organised and marshalled: The mud and rain to be endured, the mud and hills to be climbed, the mud and mini-lakes to be waded, the mud and distance to be slogged may have left us thinking only of ourselves (and the mud), but we appreciated the sustenance, cheerful faces and encouraging comments.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Sun 30th Mar 2008, 14:35
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Pleased I managed to get round. Definitely the hardest event I've ever done, thanks (?) to the conditions. I'll be doing that climb up to Nore Hanger in my nightmares for some time to come. Really grateful to everyone who marshalled and checkpointed. How good they all were to stand in the rain and serve breakfasts back at Witley till all hours so we could have our fun.
Author: Paul Sorensen
Posted: Sun 30th Mar 2008, 9:22
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Dorset
My thanks to the organisers and checkpoint staff on this event. The weather was not too bad, but conditions underfoot were certainly a challenge! It proved to be a good test of night time navigation, but the route description was well written, and I found my way round without mishap. Roll on the summer so we can get rid of some of this mud! My thanks to the organisers again, good food and support.

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