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Discussion Forum - Events - Punchbowl Marathon

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 11th Feb 2008, 18:51
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Yes, a very enjoyable event, fine weather and excellent support. It was also good to see so many new faces and a wide range of ages. Many struggled but successfully completed their first 30 (& 20) mile walks, getting a great sense of achievement and the incentive to come back for more.

The message that the LDWA put on great events has clearly reached the running community – I was passed by a steady stream for about an hour. Whoever handled the advertising did a very effective job.

Thanks to the organisers and marshals.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Mon 11th Feb 2008, 9:39
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
This was just lovely - great views, superb weather, lots of variety in the route and only a small amount of mud-surfing in the later stages of the 30. No wonder people return to do this event year after year.

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