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Discussion Forum - Website Development - Generate automatic emails for all new posts

Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Thu 24th Jan 2008, 14:05
Joined: 2003
I can't see any advantages in emailing new postings, as there are a limited number of topics on this site and it's very quick to browse these and to look at the dates. I subscribe to 'Freepint' (information industry newsletter) and they email new postings - but only if they're a specific response to a query/thread you have personally begun; the main advantage being that it saves you looking through lots of threads and potentially wasting time. I hardly think that would apply on a forum of this size.
Author: Frank Cartwright
Posted: Wed 23rd Jan 2008, 18:41
Joined: 1978
Local Group: Lakeland
I was a member of a msn walking website where you could opt in or our of receiving emails from the site. It worked out quite well in practice, as those for or against receiving emails could get what they wanted, and they could change their options at any time.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 8th Jan 2008, 17:50
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I returned to the forum this morning to read 8 opposing replies to my proposal of 25 November 2007. However, I take heart as 6,028 of our colleagues expressed no such opposition.

Ah, Alfred, your faith in humanity is a lesson to us all.

I find this service immensely useful and earnestly request our webmaster to take my proposal and the silent majority seriously, in this instance

8, now 9, against, 6,028 aren’t sufficiently interested to comment - this makes a strong case in favour? You wouldn’t be a government statistician, by any chance? Though I think even Alastair Campbell would have trouble selling this one. ;-)

As they say in the Classics, include me out.
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Wed 2nd Jan 2008, 12:11
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
the compromise would be to have the option, tick the box if you want to be notified, don't tick if you don't want.

Myself, I'm with the noisy minority
Posted: Tue 1st Jan 2008, 6:17
Joined: 1999
I returned to the forum this morning to read 8 opposing replies to my proposal of 25 November 2007. However, I take heart as 6,028 of our colleagues expressed no such opposition. For example, I subscribe to Yahoo's La Via Francigena group and receive emails for all posts. Thus, I can choose to move the message to various folders for further action (e.g., reply, reference), share the message with others who I know would be interested or simply delete the message and consign it to trash. Furthermore, posting can also be done via email and, as such, I seldom visit the actual website. In other words, I find this service immensely useful and earnestly request our webmaster to take my proposal and the silent majority seriously, in this instance.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Fri 30th Nov 2007, 10:19
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I agree with Anne and Garfield. My inbox is pretty deluged with emails anyway - more might be too much of a good thing. Anyway, like others, I enjoy looking in the Forum and seeing if there's something I want to post about.
Author: John King
Posted: Fri 30th Nov 2007, 9:09
Joined: 2002
Not for me thanks
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Thu 29th Nov 2007, 15:51
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
I think that if we are interested, we will visit the forum anyway. There have been a lot more new contributors lately, which is great for the health of the forum.
It doesn't matter when a comment is posted. The fact that it is posted is the most important thing.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Mon 26th Nov 2007, 21:47
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Some forums allow digest emails to be sent to users upon their request. These can be an email per post, or a weekly digest. Some will let you select which forums you need notifying of. Personally, I would rather do without any of these.

I like the fact that Strider now contains extracts from the forums and maybe this will stir the curious in our direction.

Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Mon 26th Nov 2007, 19:39
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
A reasonable proposal for discussion, but I wouldn't want to receive e-mails like this.
Author: Paul Hatcher
Posted: Mon 26th Nov 2007, 16:01
Joined: 1984
Local Group: Cumbria
Im in agreement with all Elton says on this subject.
Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Mon 26th Nov 2007, 13:20
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
I agree with Elton.

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Mon 26th Nov 2007, 11:41
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I must disagree. I get too much irrelevant stuff in my inbox as it is.

Some find discussion about (say) kit checks fascinating, and GPS accuracy dead boring. We should be able to choose what we want to read. If an email arrives in my inbox from the LDWA, I think it must be relevant to me, and I'll spent time reading it. I think it is better to be proactive: I visit the forum and choose what I want to read. I really don't want posts thrust on me.

Posted: Sun 25th Nov 2007, 18:20
Joined: 1999
Dear webmaster,

I propose that all new posts generate emails that are sent to all our members. I don't always remember to visit this website to read the latest posts on the discussion forum and miss out on exchanges of ideas, information, gossip, and such line. I'm also of the view that these emails would stimulate many more of our members to post to the forum. I know it's possible as Yahoo groups do exactly that.

Fred van Amelsvoort

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