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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Coast to Coast across Ireland from Dublin to Bray Head (Co Kerry)

Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Fri 30th Jan 2009, 16:47
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thank you Thomas for your interest in my long distance walks. I completed 150 miles of the Bruce Trail on my own; it was not very demanding and much of it was in woodlands with many miles of minor road or track walking. Accommodation was very sparse and I had to arrange to be picked up at the end of every days' walk. I am not planning to do any more of it. Now working on the North and South Downs Ways starting in 3 weeks time.
Posted: Tue 27th Jan 2009, 19:15
Joined: 1985
Glad you enjoyed the Irish Coast to Coast. In 2001 I met, on an HF holiday in Sarlat, S.W. France, a Canadian who runs comfortable Walking holidays out there. He was Ron Baylis of 9 Dutch Myrtle, Toronto, M3B 3K7, Canada, e-mail: I hope that may be a useful contact in your search for a coompanion on the Bruce Trail. There are not too many LDPs in my native Ulster which is a pity as a coast to coast encompassing Donegal, the Sperrins and the Mournes would, I think, be very interesting. There are many disused railway lines which could be used if they have not been polluted with rubbish in the meantime. Just a pipe dream, I suspect.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Mon 2nd Jun 2008, 22:59
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thank you John. In two weeks time I'm doing the Reivers Way in Northumberland and I want to do a good section of the Bruce Trail in Ontario, a 500 mile waymarked route from Niagara to Tobermory at the northern tip of Bruce Peninsula on Lake Huron. The Bruce Trail Association is not very helpful and I am looking for Canadian companions but no success so far.
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 2nd Jun 2008, 21:08
Joined: 2002
Well done to you both

What`s next

Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Mon 2nd Jun 2008, 17:00
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
There has been a bit of interest in this topic but no responses but just to round it off I will simply report that Ivor and I finished it last week, about 440 miles in 22 days across some of the loveliest parts of Ireland including the Wicklow Mountains and Kerry mountains with lots of hills in between. Ivor suffered with bad blisters and couldn't walk for 3 days and I had sickness and diarrhoea for one night but I walked the whole distance. Generous, helpful people apart from one farmer who set his dogs on us and one bit me but didn't fancy Ivor! and beautiful scenery are the overwhelming recollections. Good companionship and a continuous supply of Guinness contributed towards a good walk.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Fri 8th Feb 2008, 17:35
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
My appeal for a walking companion for this lovely walk across Ireland brought no response but I am very fortunate in having the offer of companionship from Ivor, a fellow member of Bristol & West, when we start on 6th May so no one else need apply! Everything is in place for 23 days walking.
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Mon 25th Jun 2007, 11:39
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
I am planning to walk this 390 mile walk next spring and would like to have a companion who is an active member of LDWA or someone who enjoys long distance paths. It will take up to 4 weeks including travelling to and from Ireland. I look forward to hearing from any other enthusiastic walker. Dennis

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