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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Lack of postings

Author: John King
Posted: Tue 24th Apr 2007, 21:47
Joined: 2002
Early riser Elton, more than 4 or five hours in bed is time wasted.

Plus my relaxation is derived through physical effort no time for the drivel on TV, and i do not frequent Pubs or Clubs, no need everything i need nature provides.

Happy Financial Surfing to you.

That is definitely a site i won`t be wasting my time on, my needs are not that big and what i haven`t got i can`t worry about, besides i came into the world with nowt in the way of material possesions, but i will leave with a wealth of expriences which to me is ideal.

The reference to lottery win is tongue in cheek, after all odds of 14 million to one means i will be whinging on here for some time yet,

Best wishes
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 24th Apr 2007, 20:38
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Hey, easy guys! :(

No good slagging off the National or any other committee. If we want a more active forum it's up to us to introduce interesting topics. I don't think avatars or self portraits will make much difference (the last thing I want to look at is me, when I put up a post). Dinky twinkles make nice icing but if the cake is bland they won't help.

I reckon if we keep posting the forum will gradually build up. Many folk are just shy, but once they have done a few posts, enticed by an interesting topic, they'll be hooked.

A very good feature, used on the Motley Fool (, is "recommendations". If you feel a poster has a good point or has been particularly helpful or whatever, you give him or her a rec. It encourages participation. The Fool is an incredibly active site, primarily financial, but with more offshoots than a russian vine. But even there, some boards have 20 - 30 posts a day, others stay dormant for months

And John, you've blown your cover: 75 - 100 miles a week -Surprising you find any time to post at all.
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 23rd Apr 2007, 21:09
Joined: 2002
You maybe right about folk walking instead of sat in in front of a pc tony, maybe if i spent less time in front of a pc then i could get more than my average 75- 100 mile a week training mileage in.

However if the lottery came up then the world would be my oyster and there would probably be one less punter posting on the LDWA forums (i just would`nt have time).

Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Sat 21st Apr 2007, 15:01
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
I suspect that this forum is not a lot different to others. If you look at the "All LDWA events" thread on the Fellrunners forum, 75% of the postings are from 9 individuals.
It would be good to see more postings from more people on the LDWA forum, but the ratio of viewings to posts is about 50:1 so a lot more people are taking a look. I would agree that it's still a relatively small audience. The system tells me that only about 100 LDWA members log on to the site regularly. Let's see what effect opening up the forum has (see posting under web developments).
Perhaps everyone else is out walking instead of sitting in front of a computer. Wish I was........
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 20:28
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Which way is that?
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 20:09
Joined: 1982
Peter You can discus till you are blue in the face but in the end some one other than the normal one or two from the National committee has to put finger to key board or the LDWA will go the same way as the RA.
Author: John King
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 20:01
Joined: 2002
Thanks Peter.

Author: Peter Haslam
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 19:54
Joined: 1992
Local Group: East Lancashire
As a member of the national committee and an avid reader of the forum I can say with some confidence that all the comments and suggestions are read and discussed. We have for the last year or so been busy getting the membership problems solved, and getting the LDP site up and running. Both projects have needed lots of time and effort. Now we can move forward, we are having a meeting this week just to discuss internet matters. We will keep the membership posted.
Author: John King
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 17:15
Joined: 2002
One other thing i am not one to load a gun and let others do the shooting, that is one reason i do not advocate the use of pseudonyms, if somebody has an opinion i believe that they should be seen to express it, and take the flack if they are wrong, or quietly move on if they are right.

Author: John King
Posted: Tue 10th Apr 2007, 17:08
Joined: 2002
David it would be great to see the opinions of the national commitee.

The beauty of a lively forum as you no doubt know is that it enables thoughts and opinions to be aired almost realtime giving a broad picture to the folk that have control of a group or whatever, then come time for committee meetings a lot less time is needed in discussion (on the basis that a lot of discussion has taken place before the meeting hopefully with a lot more folk that turn up at meetings) before decisions are taken.

Technology is great and used to it`s best advantage it would give us all more time to do that, that gives us the most pleasure, sadly there are still bodies that don`t see that.

Surely to attract the members of the future we need to be seen as in touch, progressive, forward thinking and welcoming, and that must come across in the website, and comments from the national committee would show folk that at least those that lead our Association are in touch with the views, thoughts and opinions of the members.

However as has already been said we have been here before, and it is beginning to feel like walking in fog on a featureless moor without a compass, and as a consequence going round in circles.

Posted: Mon 9th Apr 2007, 22:44
Joined: 1982
John what you say is fair comment. It might also be said that there are a lot people who are prepared to load the gun but prefer others to do the shooting.

I would like to see these pages led from the front and more comment from the National committee members
David H
Author: John King
Posted: Mon 9th Apr 2007, 20:44
Joined: 2002
I have had it said to me that the LDWA website gives the impression of a bunch of stuffed shirts that like to live in the past, and are afraid of change and progression, and sadly i am beginning to think that these comments are correct.

It is not change for change sake that is needed more of a little tweaking to bring the site up to date and to be more appealing and informative to the new members and potential members that seem to have been frightened of by the staid and archaic appearance of the site.

Comments like pictures of smurfs etc without expansion show a narrow minded insular approach, i reckon there would be a few such avatars, but i feel there would be a multitude of LDWA members that have cherished Photographs of themselves during or completing a Challenge walk or similar, that would be proud to use it as an avatar.

Just another idea to fall on deaf ears

Best wishes
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 5th Apr 2007, 22:01
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Agree with John, been here before. Currently 53 views and contributions from ....... the same 4 of us, usual names again. Yawn. Surely this is some kind of clue that some minor change to the forum could possibly be worth a try? Beating head on a brick wall comes to mind, whenever change is mentioned. Matt.
Posted: Thu 5th Apr 2007, 20:05
Joined: 1982
I have been to many open and closed meetings, where people who have had plenty to say in private have said nothing at the meeting. When pushed afterwards as to why they had kept quiet, almost always the answer was that they did not want to offend xyz because they were mates. While I do not think this is valid and have nearly always been happy to use my own name. I also respect another persons reasons for not wanting to be named and provided their posting is not nasty or vile I see no reason why they should not be allowed to hide behind a nick name.
David H
Author: John King
Posted: Thu 5th Apr 2007, 17:15
Joined: 2002
As you say Garfield we have been here before which in itself is a sad reflection.

There have been plenty of tangible suggestions in the past and i for one don`t feel inspired to cover the same ground.

Yes some threads do a few posts but by the same old names there was a smattering of new names at one point but they seem to have drifted off.

A good web site this may be, but better web sites exist and gender far more interest than this one.

have a nice easter
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Thu 5th Apr 2007, 16:43
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
We've been here before.

I, and the national committee, are willing to be advised on what you expect from a forum that is not already here. Look at the other topics - hundreds of postings and readings on every topic under the sun. Most categories are getting several postings a day and all are read every day by lots of members.

I'm not convinced that pseudonyms and pictures of Smurfs are going to add anything. I personally feel the forums are doing the job. It's YOU who make the forums not us.

Once again, give us something concrete and we'll balance this against the other jobs we have in hand.

Author: John King
Posted: Thu 5th Apr 2007, 12:01
Joined: 2002
Hi David there seems to be more life on the LDWA thread on the FRA forum (Strange That!)

I for one do not hold with hiding behind a Pseudonym especially as you say folk will probably know who is posting anyway then it would be pointless.

I prefer to be seen as who and what i am, which may not be what some people like, but that is there problem not mine.

Enjoy you twelve wks, but don`t hold your breath re the LDWA website.

All the best

Posted: Wed 4th Apr 2007, 19:43
Joined: 1982
Is it just me or has every one gone off this webb site or do we all want a kick up the +++ There seems plenty of good ideas put forward to improve it but little actual action.
In a few weeks time I will be going away for about ten or twelve weeks and if this site is still as dead then as it is now then goodness help it.
It may help if we could use a nickname on the posting instead of our own. Though I think most people will know who is posting.

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