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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Viewranger replacement

Author: Jeremy Corke
Posted: Mon 20th Mar 2023, 9:37
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
I do agree with he two previous speakers.
I always used Viewranger, which was great. Am now signed up with OA. It is usually okay, but no good in creating routes, as it stops recording if you close the screen. I think that is a technical problem , whereby you need to be able to prevent OA app from ceasing to work when screen is turned off?
Other than that, the 1:25 OS maps are fine, although I sometimes have to put my mobile data on, to get a clearer picture, even when I am following a route on the app?
Author: Geoff Crowder
Posted: Wed 8th Feb 2023, 12:10
Joined: 2002
Local Group: South Manchester
Yes, the OA piecemeal downloading process looks horrible, furthermore I understand that any downloaded maps are deleted from the phone if you log out of the App!.
I won't touch any software encumbered by DRM (unless I can remove it myself). Apps like OA give them control of everything, you are at their mercy, but my map files are mine and under my control, nobody can touch them.

This forum software doesn't implement private messaging as far as I can tell. If you want to know more about my setup with MM Tracker (nothing to do with Memory-Map), post an email address here or alternatively contact me via our site .
Author: John Holmes
Posted: Wed 8th Feb 2023, 10:29
Joined: 2016
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Thanks Geoff. I'll have a look at Memory Map. There are a lot of apps out there but I want one that shows the map and where I am (reliably, unlike OA), so its useful to tap into your experience.
I tried to use OA's download function but it doesn't work unless I take out a subscription. Since I've already paid for the Viewranger Landranger maps, it hurts to pay again. Also, reading between the lines of the OA downloading instructions, there are restrictions on the way it works, such as needing a Route under some circumstances, size of files stored and limits on the area covered. The reviews of OA downloading aren't glowing either. It doesn't fill me with confidence. The devil is in the detail.
I've had OA a year now and have come to the conclusion that it is fundamentally flawed in that it doesn't store the map files on the phone like Viewranger, or the Garmin GPS devices for that matter. I can only imagine it's for commercial reasons. Interestingly, OA sometimes works when there is no mobile signal and at other times it doesn't. So, in summary, OA is fine most of the time but you can't rely on it.
My ideal solution would be to get another Smartphone app that used the Viewranger Landranger files. (OA appears to have deleted them from my phone but I have a backup). Failing that, buy a Smartphone app with the OS maps or, failing that, buy a GPS device that has the OS maps.
Author: Geoff Crowder
Posted: Wed 8th Feb 2023, 7:54
Joined: 2002
Local Group: South Manchester
OutdoorActive does allow maps to be saved offline on the phone beforehand as described on their help page.

I don't use OA myself but I've read extensive discussions about it in the context of ViewRanger replacement, like so many apps it suffers from gross "featureitis". It amazes me that people make life so difficult with all these features, the last thing I want on a hike is faffing about with unnecessary complicated tech. My view seems identical to yours: I just want to check my exact position occasionally on the OS map, along with the route line if I've stored one, and that's it. Keep it simple!.

Ploughing my own furrow as always, I have achieved this using MM Tracker that uses the Memory-Map QCT format maps - this assumes you have the maps to begin with...
I have the 1:25K maps permanently on the phone.
Author: John Holmes
Posted: Tue 7th Feb 2023, 19:53
Joined: 2016
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I would like a Smartphone app that shows me the OS Landranger maps and where I am. I don't need to share routes or record tracks. It must work where there is no mobile signal and without the faff of downloading data.
A little over a year ago, Viewranger provided this. I bought the OS Landranger maps for Viewranger and they were installed on my phone.
I've used Outdooractive for a year now but it doesn't work reliably without a mobile signal. On lots of the walks that I do, there is no mobile signal. There isn't even a mobile signal in my house so, for me, it isn't fit for purpose.
So, what are my options? Is there a Smartphone app where the OS Landranger maps are installed permanently on the phone?
If not, what's next best?. A Garmin 700 seems overkill as well and being heavy and expensive. A cheaper Garmin Etrex has a tiny screen so I wouldn't be able to see sufficient map. Or would a small Garmin work in conjunction with my phone when Outdooractive decides that it won't show me the map?

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