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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Souvenir Video

Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 6th Jun 2019, 10:00
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Reports of the Event with a page on credits is taking shape on the HH website.

Mark Hawker has been organising this so perhaps email him if you have any suitable images.
Author: Paul Glynn
Posted: Wed 5th Jun 2019, 14:47
Joined: 2015
Local Group: Cumbria
I understand the reasons for not producing a souvenir booklet for the Hundred this year.
One advantage of a booklet is the ability to include everyone; Marshalls, other checkpoint staff, all entrants etc.
Everyone involved can be listed, if not pictured.

With a commemorative video being offered instead this year, will it be accompanied or followed by some text in the manner of film credits?
In that way, all participants in this memorable event, whatever their role, can feel included, even if there is no video or photo of them.

Secondly, regarding garnering of videos or images, do you want any contributions & if so where do we send them?


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